ima Chef cooking at a local Bar&Grill , i love cooking with a passion aswell as i do producing music ! I always said that having the right studio would be just like a kitchen , everything you need to make whatever your inspirationz are come to life should be right there for you !....aND IF your wondering why i call myself Dj Spider is cause i used to be a Iron worker and was that crazy a** dude who would climb up beamz to get to da top with my boss yellin at me WTF R YOU DOIN XD later on my brother had a home made tattoo gun and tatted a spider on my right arm =)
Learning guitar and piano!
N/A for right now
N/A again
Eminem ,B.O.B. and too much more lol
wow im not sure if i can list it all haha ! 36 ,king pin skinny pimp ! UGK ..OutKast , Gang Star ! 8ball & MJG ..dR dRE ALL the above lol
My influences will never be shared so you wont know how my music is made lol Its better that way ! but i will share what i've done with my Music or if i find a sample on here i like , I'll upload it and let you know so you can hear it !
something you've probably never herd befor !
everything i can!!!!!!