I am a beat maker from Quebec. I have a soundcloud by the same name if you would like to check it out. https://soundcloud.com/cheetosmaster
I have also a Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0ldQ45IGZKC8g3bD3XXtRq?si=w1g06n7VSJq3NHTFVgc1qQ
My IG is phil__god
I play the piano
I listen to a lot of Kanye West. He is essentially the reason I started making music.
MBDTF, GKMC, IGOR, ye, CMIFGL, The College Dropout, Late Registration, TLOP, Donda, Kid See Ghosts and Graduation in no particular order.
When I was younger, I played a lot a GTA V where I would listen to Radio Los Santos. Kendrick Lamar was playing a lot in the game and he pretty much made me discover hip-hop. After that, i listened to a lot of SoundCloud rappers. I think that's where my love for melodic beats comes from.
I am pretty new to making music and my sound will definitely evolve, but right now, it sounds sad and vibey. I am experimenting with a lot of things though, so its hard to tell.
I am boring myself to death in school.....