I work in technology and have a background in both video and audio production. I have been playing guitar and a few other instruments since I was in middle school, like everyone else on earth.
Two rounds of graduate school for technology & instructional design.
Strings, keys, vocals, and...computer?
FL Studio
Korg MicroKorg XL+, Alesis SR 18, Yamaha PSR-280, Alesis i02 Express, Yamaha HS50M x2, Sterling ST55, Gibson Les Paul American, Ibanez PF acoustic, Ibanez Performance acoustic, 64-bit Windows 7 Intel i7 3.40 GHz, 32 GB RAM, and a bunch of tangled cables.
“There is two kinds of music, the good, and the bad. I (like) the good kind.” –Louis Armstrong
Somewhere in between ambient, electro (not dance), acoustic, and folk.
Instructional design manager