Big lover of all music..lean towards rock blues,and heavy for my sound..also help sometimes with the rappers also..I don't discriminate!!here for help with trying to make a great rock album
sing ,guitars,bass,drums.keyboard..would like to get alot better on the keyboard though!!
Tascam 24 track..
Tascam 24 track..Digitech pedals..Casio keyboard..Simmons electronic drumset..Epiphone Hummingbird.Gibson S.g. Gibson Explorer.Fender Strat Peavey exp V type Dean bass mxl mic
Chinese Democrocy..Let there be rock..The wall..Imortal Technique..More than a feeling..Slayer..Megadeth..Areosmith Pump..Use your Illusions..Billy Idol
AC/DC Billy Idol Guns n Roses Led Zep Joan Jett all of them!! Simon/Garfunkle just name it if it's good I like it or can at least appreceate it!!
pretty original from what I get for feedback..but I would say it's basicly based off classic rock
Diesel mechanic