LosAngeles, CA United States.
Recording engineer & music producer.
Many genres, many pseudo-names.
[Antares, Waves, NI, DBX, JBL, Digidesign and Propellerheads' Certified Operator :]
AftermarketProductions2011 AllRightsReserved
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ProtoolsHD3, Cubase/Nuendo, Adobe Audition, Propellerheads Reason/Record/Recycle/Rebirth, and about a hundred different VST/VSTi manufacturers both commercial and 3rd party.
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SSL 9000, ProtoolsHD3, Protools HD2, Control 24, Neve sum mixer, SSL G comp, Chandler TG2, LA2A, 2 UA 1176s, Avalon, DBX120...& other rack gear - midi controllers, AkaiMPK. Mics: A Royer122, AKG414, Rhodes NT3, SureSM57/58, Vintage Shure 565! among several other mics..... 3 tape machines - ones a vintage Scully like the Beatles used, a few vintage synths, a few new synths and various keyboards, an MPC, Oak drums, a Cello, Violin, Mandolin & Banjo, 12string acoustic and a Nylon flamenco, 1969 Les Paul, a Strat, half a dozen other shitty guitars, shakers, hand percussion, upright piano, circuit bent kids keyboards and all sorts of other noisemaking crap to have fun sequencing... :]
I am making a song.
10 staple albums from back in the day..
.... NewOrder:International
More great artists that deserve mentioning:
Sunlounger, GrooveArmada, ThieveryCorporation, UlrichSchnauss, AmonTobin, Tosca, Kosheen, DustBrothers, Air, PaulVanDyk, JunoReactor, Goldfrapp, Bjork, Tiesto, Aftermarket, BancoDeGaia, InfectedMushroom, BasementJaxx, Shpongle, Squarepusher, Leftfield, MassiveAttack, SneakerPimps, BoardsOfCanada, Autechre, FutureSoundOfLondon, theKLF, ATB, BT, etc.
You figure it out..