Name is Jack Kannibal.. I love just about everything life has to offer and music, of course, being high up on that list. I am always down to meet new people so if you have any questions or are interested in collaborating just send me a message. I enjoy listening to music especially from people who are just starting off so I am always eager to check out tunes that you guys roll out with.. And as much as I love listening to music, I love creating my own.. Currently writing as a guitarist/vocalist in a punk band and a multi genre producer during my time away from the band..
Logic 9
Native Instruments
Macbook Pro
I may not like every song ever written but I would never waste my time hating a genre because even the songs you dislike can teach you a thing or two about writing music..
Depends on the listener.. I do not like labeling my own music.. wayyy too many sub genres out there to spend the time, though for search purposes I'll label it under whatever genre has the most influence in its sound..
I run a movie theatre since I do need to maintain a job to fund my music production needs.. So I pretty much find ways to divide my time between music production, work, friends, family, and the girlfriend..