Toss and turn at night wondering why, for example, Lady Ga Ga is an international superstar, but Brooklyn Funk Essentials remain relatively unknown.
Guitar, Ewi Wind
Logic Express, Garageband, Several iPad apps
Anything by: LCD Soundsystem, Spoon, Mexican Institute of Sound, Prince, T-Bone Burnett; Beatles, Beck, Pretenders, Fulanito, Brooklyn Funk Essentials,
After the Goldrush, Eat a Peach, Güero, This Is Happening, Rubber Soul/Revolver, Buena Vista Social Club, Bop Till You Drop, 808s and Heartbreak;
Too numerous to enumerate
Eclectic World Electronica--no, really.
Fight crime with my iPad's Crimefighter app. It's really cool--the next upgrade will allow me to not only track down and arrest evil wrongdoers, but prosecute them as well!
Also, non-productive editor and writer.