About me huh?... Hmmm, well I'm a guy, there's a start. Just kidding. I'm young, innovative and love experimenting with every single genre of music. I am learning slowly but surely how producing music works as well as trying to make some beats of my own. In general, I love music because it encourages life, joy and most of all happiness...
Guitar, well used to. Now, I play keyboard, as in PC keyboard. Other than that, can't play squat on a live instrument...
I use FL Studio 9. Yes people, 9. I hate 10 and I hate 11. I hate how queer Logic is because it's not Logical at all. Reaper is like the god of boredom and I hate Avid Tools Pro. Why do I hate them so much? Because I don't have them 'cause they are to great of a program for me, who is a low-class beat maker to use them. Simple...
I use JBL monitors. If not those, a couple of high quality Logitech speakers...
I'm listening to:
Every thing that enlightens me...
My favourite albums are:
-Karamel Kel (Heavenly Dream)
-Shirosky (Shirosky)
-Nujabes (All of his albums)
-Shanghai Restoration Project (Shanghai Restoration Project)
-Marcus D (Melancholy Hopeful)
-Uyama Hiroto (A Son of the Sun)
-Ayur (Beautiful Fields)
I am influenced by God for He is the creator of sound in the first place, however though, I am mostly influenced by:-
-Kenichiro Nishihara
-Karamel Kel
-Marcus D
and a whole lot more...
My music sounds like:
Hmm... whatever you think it sounds like I suppose
In my other life I am a manga artist. Yep. Manga. I don't know why but I'm addicted to it so meh, I decided to draw my own. A lot of work though but hey, nothing's easy right?...