I am Vexsa, my real name is Berat. I am 17 years old. I love music
I learning piano
FL Studio
I have a AKAI MPK mini
Sagopa Kajmer and Norm Ender the bests for me
Sagopa Kajmer: Kalp Hastasi and Bir Pesimistin Gozyaslari
Hidra: C-137
I listen to Turkish Rap music. These are the artists I am most impressed by: Sagopa Kajmer, Hidra, Norm Ender, Joker, Impala, Stabil and Kardiyak
When I make my music, I usually make rap/hip hop style music. I can say that I take Sagopa Kajmer and Hidra as examples.
I am a student, ı don't working. Music is my love