I'm a 20 year old guy who feels like he's never gonna make living out of music happen, though i work my ass off towards this goal. I also happen to like Internet, video games and electro music.
Fruity Loops 10
Ableton Live 9
Studio One 2 Artist
Yamaha Portatone
Rokkit 6 x2
An Alto Professional ZMX52 mixer
Presonus Audiobox USB
Novation Launchpad
Moog Sub Phatty
Digitalism - Blitz
deadmau5 - Closer
deadmau5 - Bot
The toxic avenger - Toxic is dead
Pryda - Melo
Pryda - The end
Daft punk - Discovery
deadmau5 - For lack of a better name
deadmau5 - album title goes here
deadmau5, Pryda, Digitalism, The Toxic Avenger
Electro house, electro, prog house
I study IT. And i hate my school.