Just an "elder" amateur who can play keyboard and make music . The help of the computer is absolutely essential for me to make the job !
I am not a skilled player for live performances. My strictly personal work (without using a computer) is to come up with melody lines and chord progression. I have also written music based on Greek lyrics. For everything else I will definitely need the computer! I use midi libraries and midi loops. Midi is a habit that can't be broken now....and I used to intervene a lot into the midi loops or libraries, deleting something I don't want, or modifying various characteristics of any note such as, for example, the duration ,the position , the velocity etc. Now I am here to try to cooperate with other users. Mainly , I would like (very much) to add other users lyrics and vocals to my music compositions ! I am also interested of audio loops .
My software is a product of the past fifteen years (approximately) and has some distant relation to the modern one.... My windows xp is still here !!! Oh yes.... and I use some midi applications , a very old cubase and some vst instruments and plugins too...
I use 2 keyboards and a pair of monitors .
A lot....
A lot....
A lot....
Easy Listening - pop/rock music .
would like to study and play the piano like a virtuoso