I Am A FL StudIo Head!!!
I've aLways ONLY Used That
Just a LIttLe PIano
F.L. StudIo 10
CasIo, AxIoM 25
LIstenen To EverythIng I Can To Expand My CreatIvIty
BLuePrInt 1 And The bLack aLbuLM
Jay-z, BIg Brother, 9th Wonder, Lex Luger, Mr. West, Ms. Keys, IMMortaL TechnIque, Z-ro, HopsIn, PhareLL WILLIaMs, JadaKIss, TIMbaLand, Ryan LesLIe, JustIce League, Shady, Wayne etc.
Lex Luger + PhareLL + Kanye = ACETHEYOUNGMAV