I'm an aspiring musician who loves music and is looking for my way in life.Now "ASTRO DOSE"
Piano,Guitar,Harmonica,Bass,12 String,Accordion,Trumpet,Vocals,Synthesizer
FL Studio,Mixcraft,Ableton,Stagelight
Also various plugins,Nexus 2,Massive,FM8,Kontakt,and thing off the Komplete pack. Vengeance samples are a must as well as EDM studio packs.
AKAI MPD18, Hercules DJ Table,Dre Beats,SOL,Spider IV 150w Amp,Fender Star,Gibson Les Paul,Yamaha keyboard.
Alvin Risk,Getter,Flosstradamus.
A Thousand Suns,Hot Fuss,White Pony,Night Visions,Welcome Reality,Hybrid Theory,Vitamin-D
Linkin Park,Datsik,Nero,Avicci,Deftones,Radiohead,Imagine Dragons,The Killers,Flux Pavillion,Kanye West,Kendrick Lamar,Killsonik(Chasing Shadows),Jason Aldean,Jay-Z,Flosstradamus,Seven Lions,Darkan,Anna Sun.
I feel like my music has an electronic/indie feel to it. Melodic and emotionally driven. I love to make dance tracks but I dip into the dubstep field every once in awhile. I've tried trap as well.
I go to school and make terrible grades.Lots of graphic designing.