Grim Grin Gaming is a small indie game development collective. We have essentially just started though we have like four games out. We also have completed games via contract. So total now like 10 PC and Mobile games/apps.
If any were interested in making a small set of loop-able tracks it would save me a huge amount of headaches :-)
(Anyone who does this will receive an update as to the games release and credit in the credits)
If anyone watched Trigun (MY FAV) I would love to hear some loops along that kinda grungy deserty music.
Clarinet in 3rd grade? Wish I played the guitar or piano or violin.
Adobe Audition cause I don't know how to use the better ones.
Family Guy and Looperman Loops
I listen to stand-up comedy more than music and lectures more than anything. (When I work I watch tv)
I like punk music the most. Punk Goes Acoustic is one of my all time fav albums. Eminem is good. Mostly though rock type music.
I, the guy in charge of sound, am influenced by the type of game or app we are working on.
I really wanna find and collect some track similar to the Sound Track of Trigun.
I am a multimedia designer. I make assets for video games (2d and 3d), apps, animated videos, etc.