Engineer by day, musician and artist by night.
Guitar and Keyboards
Omnisphere 2.5
NI - Massive
NI - Solid Bus Comp
NI - Kontakt 5
Uhbik - u-he
Klanghelm - SDRR2
TDR - Limiter 6
TDR - Nova
TAl - Filter 2
Valhalla - FreqEcho & Shimmer
iZotope - Ozone 8
Tascam 16x08
Yamaha MG16
Mackie 1604vlz
Nord Rack 2
Novation Bass Station
Korg TR-Rack
Roland JD-Xi
Lexicon MPX100
Behringer Virtualizer
Jackson SL2 MAH
Boss GT100
Behringer A500
Tannoy Reveals
My recent playlist includes...Black Sun Empire, Grimes, Jon Hopkins, Aphex Twin
Off the top of my head...
Reign in Blood - Slayer
Music for the Jilted Generation - Prodigy
Dirt - Alice in Chains
and many many others.
Too many to list, I'm not a fan of country and western...everything else is pretty much game.
Lots of music is varied.
Engineer and 3D printing enthusiast.