Triii_C tracks
Triii_C has uploaded 3 tracks but they have been archived
26th Sep 2008 10:51 - 16 years ago
26th Sep 2008 10:51 - 16 years ago
Description : Laid back, catchy, Hip Hop track with an R&B groove and old school Hip Hop vibe. The beat began from a loop that I broke apart and added my personal touches to. The production is Sony ACID Music Studio 7.0 and a basic microphone, so I know it's not top notch. Still, I'd appreciate feedback on production too. The lyrics are all mines and it's me spitting verses, hooks, the whole nine. Yes, I did the track from beginning to end, so I'm really hoping for lots of feedback from all aspects. Hope you enjoy it!
14th Sep 2008 18:08 - 16 years ago
14th Sep 2008 18:08 - 16 years ago
Description : Hi, this track was created using Sony Music Studio 7.0. I began with a loop, broke it down, recreated my own version of some of the sounds and added my two cents all over the place. I'm especially proud of it, but open to all criticisms. I'd like to know what you think about the overall project... concept, marketability, production, the whole nine. Whatever hits you, hit me with it. Thanks for your time! There's more to come, so feel free to stop back. Triii C
10th Sep 2008 06:28 - 16 years ago
10th Sep 2008 06:28 - 16 years ago
Description : I'm very new to producing beats, but I'm producing every track on my upcoming CD and appreciate all feedback.
I named this track Sweet Revenge 'cuz it's got that soothing, sweet feel, but there's an undercurrent of "get back atcha" in a medieval kinda way. *L*
Used Sony Music Studio 7.0. Began with basic loop. Broke it down, redid some pieces, added effects, etc... to create my own thing.
I'm not up on the final mixing, or mastering. That will be done at a professional studio. So, I primarily need feedback on the track itself. Do you like it? Think I should trash it? Feel it? Don't get it? Feel the blend of instruments? Turn some up, others down? Give it to me raw. I'm trying my dangdest to get good at this. *L* Thanks for listening!
These tracks have been uploaded by Triii_C. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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