Description : "Night time..comes to my dark mind..a place where no dreams alive..and you don't see no sunshine..bury all that is alive..and bringin' it down"
Description : Friend Luis Nunez..This is all him..he shows up..finds a beat on you-tube (RH mediadesk) and lays this down first take right off the top- nothing written down..I've never seen that before..I beleive he is gifted and when he gave me permission to post this I was check it out and let's get some feedback here,so he feels like doing some more!!
Description : recorded as for an intro so I would'nt forget it..There was a billboard off the freeway with a painting of Jesus that simply stated "5 out of 5 people die" I thought to myself wtf?? ain't that pretty dark!! I'm gonna do something with that one..It's not nearly finished at all but this intro is pretty cool-
Description : This is an unfinished song that I have finished now with additional verses and a proper ending..yet to be re-recorded..the topic is..well is recorded on a Tascam
Description : This is my first recording using the tascam neo 24's a good solid dark jam that was awesome to play lead guitar over...I like the way the Simmons drumset came out on this
Tracks (11)
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