This page shows only items tagged Transient Shaper.
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Flash is a high quality transient shaper with M/S capabilities, clipping function to never exceed 0dB a handy mix and output volume controls.
A Transient shaper
Fleeter, an unstable transient processor designed to fatten up drums and add character. It has only 3 controls: Transient Time, Transient Amount, and Transient Saturation.
YALA is a Iconic Vari-Mu limiting amplifier with extra features!
FetSnap is the most interesting transient enhancer.
We already love famous Fet compressor, right? And FetSnap is based on this famous compressor! In digital world, we can fully .....
SpikeQ is a frequency based transient shaper.
As a distant cousin of Drum Snapper, it features the same attitude for increasing the Attack of a source but expands it with the .....
Drum Snapper is a Transient Shaper tailored for drums. It can add more snap or more sustain to the drums and has other extra functions not found on other transient shapers.
KSHMR Essentials Kick The best sounds come from the best artists. And no one knows sound better than KSHMR and, your trusted source for EDM sounds W. A. Production.
Based on .....
The main purpose of DIABLO Lite is to enhance your drums and 808’s so they hit harder and cut through your mix.
For example, we’ve taken some of the softest sounding kick samples and ran them .....
BitterSweet v3 is Flux:: acclaimed transient processor used by hundreds of thousands of users for audio transient management with the simple turn of a knob – Turning it to the Sweet side reduces the .....
Air Shelf is a plugin designed to shape your (very) high end, mostly above 10kHz. Use the Boost knob to get more highs, and the Tame knob to keep high-frequency transients under control.
ATKTransientShaper is a mono transient shaper with all the parameters usually hidden from the user.