Description : my appreciations to our ( as Ed says) ''Mike Stokes'' , for his incredible guidances & also the beautifull name which He selected for this trial of mine ....
well..let's be played by our guitar a bit seriouslY ...Classical Guitar,Flamenco taste...
This acoustic track was uploaded by deciBel. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (27)
If you have time take a listen and give deciBel some feedback.
Oh yes, this is music of the highest quality. State of the art music for body and mind. The interplay of guitar, percussion and sound effects is very nice.
thank U very much dear Polyfronetic for attention & comment for this too , this is myself's fav between my selfplayed free style trials on spanish guitar and excuse me for latency in reply , buT I waited to make & do & upload new & long version of that 101 second trial according to U,and Ed's worthy idea & then answer this comment of yours to can inform U about that too.i have always had greatest respects for alternative ideas in music Polyfronetic , best wishes & thnx again.____Behnam
Interesting... Unique! I like all the elements.. I kind of like the sound of things in half speed. I don't know why, it's kind of dark, but also very interesting to hear things fragmented.... the deep sounds of things in slow motion. Maybe it's just me haha.
Awesome flamenco style guitar playing. As ever, brilliant work!
thnx aloT Paora for your worthwhile attention,analysis & sharing your perception abouT it in your comment with me & us. according to U are an obviouslY good guitarist your possitive idea means me aloT .best wishes.___Behnam
Fantastic track Behnam. I thought my coffee was wearing off when things slowed down, lol. Very beautiful track, peaceful and happy feeling. Cool effects on the instruments and the slow change in the middle was unexpected. I always enjoy percussion in tracks, it really brightens up a song and makes it so much more interesting to listen to. Enjoyed this very much!!
Wayne , as U know I learn from your generation & so honoured I am to see your possitive idea about this trials & its materials ,hahaha your cool explanation abouT your coffee about that bendinG part in which music totally bends minus 27semitones = - 243 syntonic comma of didymus will be rememberable for me . thnx for your presence,worthwhile attention,percept & commenT .& I'm minded to hvae an exclusive appreciation abouT all your helps & musical advices & also loops in our email swap here to my friend .
best wishes of mine .___Behnam
My word Behnam...this is a very skillful and beautiful piece. Very well mixed and arranged. Your signature slowdown in there as well. I think however you should try and do that sort of thing naturally. You definitely have the skill. Very well done and you should not have any doubts on your ability.
hey I'm listening your new track while answering U Steve . thnx alot for your encouragements as always and thnx for advice my worthwhile throughbred friend.and I've no doubT about my abilities Steve ..otherwise I wouldn't try to challenge those things U know .thnx for your presence,attention & perception Steve . best wishes.___Behnam
fantastic and artistic creation, its music to me with a deeper meaning than any word combinations could have.
in that spirit let me tell you this is a "well said" in the language called music.
what is the language of music i hear some ask?
well... *jeopardy theme music fade in*
technically it's just different densities in air, according to simple patterns which rely on most basic arithmetic ratios. but then the brain is capable of converting this universal code of different ratios in pitch and duration into electrochemical signals. so every brain is converting pressure deviations in the ear within a fraction of a moment into a complex relational mapping of ridiculous amounts of data and creates expectations based on it. way to go brain!
but then there's also the part i don't and never will understand, why it affects the soul and emotion apart from being connected to memories and bias like we know. sometimes i wish i could listen to music for the first time ever with a blank mind. after wiping all my memories, emotions and knowledge related to anything musical. no more expectations or biased listening.
but why am i writing all these things? honestly, i was just fascinated once again when i started to think about it and then got carried away! i am sorry and hope it was at least entertaining :D
i really like this musical concept and my brain and soul approve and become brisk.
PS: would love to have this in my playlist, if you dont mind please send me a mp3
jey...this comment will remain in my mind specially for what happend while U were writing this...cause as U've underestood right now that I'm writing this replY for sure , right in the same moment which U were writing that U're minded to having it , & in fact before I read your comment , I have been sending this trial to U by mail ...and it's obviouslY that U can have all trials of mine my friend as U know & U can see even U hadn't wanted by yourself , I had senT it to U by myself...Savino I wished your thaught shred with me in your comment were still continuing..It was one of best comments which I've ever had below any trials of mine...I loved your thaughts ...will talk with U in email about it..& ja...reallY wished it was possible to clean our mind , & let's listen from the first to music ...I've forgot what a listener who is not composer hears from our musiX..some times I wish I had never played guitar ...wished I had a river instead of my wooden guitar to can skate away & cross borderlines of humans...& there are some times I obviouslY feel I don't play my guitar guitar plays me from my finger ...but my finger had some other desires in their life...some desires which were so more important than music for me...don't know...there are sme times in a human life in which all instruments are is insufficent...instruments are mute even when We are playing them...there are some time in a human life in which , the words are speechless to explain us...thnx for all your beautifull perception & thaughts which U shared with me about this trial & beyond looperman ,this comment of yours will remain in my mind & this trial's mind hearty best wishes my friend.. ____Behnam
Quite an impressive experiment! I love the dynamics and tone of the guitar playing! This has all the benefits of jazz, but it seems more up to date than that! A very pleasant listen!
my professional colleague & wothwhile friend Patrick , first my appologize for your taken time according to my request which U know & then my greatest appreciations for your kind analysis & encouragement as a professional & throughbred musician .speciallY after hearing that wonderfull track of yours I was minded to know your idea about this bendinG part in this trial in which music totally bends - 27semitones = - 243 syntonic comma of didymus for a while in a considered timing ,& I'm gracefull for your presence & attention .best wishes of mine,sincerelY.__Behnam
Hello Benham...thank you for the copy you sent (I still cannot get the Looperman track to play)...but I must excel with the classical is superbly played and you carry the main percussive style theme through the song with some wonderful embellishments....this is great playing Behnam...The section from 1:45 to 2:33 brings a much darker feeling (I would call it ominous or dangerous) while the rest of the musical journey is very happy and upbeat....perhaps the darker section reflects your personal thoughts...I must also say a very well done to you on the production...the tone, clarity and balance are excellent (even to my ears that are not as good as they used to be)...I hear that you have been very thoughtful and precise in the composing and most skillful in bringing it together for us to hear.....Bravo....your accomplishments should be shared with the younger people in your country as encouragement for their musical creativity......Well done to you.
Your fellow student
Ed ,your mastership attention , analysis , perception , & encouragemenT would be as nice remembrance & impression & worthwhile as getting a certificate for me . & my training on your skillfull pieces has helped me abuT this trial . no countrY I have is my cuntrY but Iran's younger generation's tallents are a gold mine which my traX seems a quarry beside their tallents if they had freedome of speech for express themselves without this islamic murder god . & Ed , master , We both know I learn from U( exclusivelY as a fav guitarist of mine in your generation ) & in facT I learn from your generation .that last phrase in your comment make me shy , & makes me want to deffend my favorite guitarist too both . Ed your guidance & encouragements as a throughbred musician who is as a master to me , makes me as a young musician to learn true mastership behaiviour for my furtures & I appreciate U for all these lessons ,so much.
my hearty best wishes .________Behnam
Carole dear , reading your beautifull thinker words as explanation of any trials of mine has always been a pleasure or me which me & my trials will remember them in our mind . nice analysis roots in worthwhile intellect of yours is appreciated by me abouT this one too . merci Carrole .take care.__Behnam
What a beautiful piece. The guitars sound amazing, and played with such passion! Then a scary bit!? ha ha, then back to it!! What a twist! Well done sir!!
appology for latency in replY , & appreciations for your attention & time , & glad that U had recceived my mail & thnx for your replY too man . best wishes.___Behnam
Hi Benham......I cannot get this track to play today???....but I can play the other ones on LM...Perhaps there is something wrong with my computer settings?....Does it still play for you?.......Ed
Ed I checked & yes it plays for me . buT I senT it to your mail rightnow & if U check your mail U'll find iT .thnx for your attention to this trial of mine.sincerelY.___Behnam
Kevin my friend thnx for yur presence & kind compliments in comment & beyond this track whish U've underestood my last email about that fcking matter and that would be more important for me , else & beside , buT if U want to listen to some throughbred dancer ( on guitar fingerboard) finger , take a look to these 2 masters here too (althought I think U should know them both )
tumbleweed or the same our Ed cunningham
& FerryTerry speciallY about JaZz & latin style
thnx & my appreciations about sharing your thaught & perception in comment ...and music is my shelter & not my job & I won't sell my wishes TameChildjr.__Behnam
okay, at first I only wanted to fav it without saying something for I thought it sounds like some nice summertime music but as soon as that tapestop-effect set in in I sat there and simply stared at the waveform not believing what I hear.... don't get me wrong, it's great like that, it just completely startled me for I did not see that coming... and I like to be surprised when it is about music.
thumbs up for this, Behnam^^
Simon merci for your carefull attention & nice commenT , glad to see some one else buT myself too has liked that Bending movemenT . in that movement which U've pointed , music totallY Bends to ( - 27semitones = - 243 syntonic comma of didymus ) in a designed duratin timinG & then begins again by main Tonic note & them in nexT's a self style technique of mine which I have tried to make it by mathematical trial & errors for myself. if U like it I can do it in anyone of several musiX which I have from U my good friend.tell me whenever U want.thnx again for your presence & best wishes.___Behnam
Was really great to hear something different, something warm and analogue. Gets us feeling grounded again after being snared into the electronic airwaves of heavenly realms. Great guitar work by the way Behnam. You done us proud! :)
BillY thnx alot for your presence , and first let me to answer your replY to my coomenT , BillY , never , nothing is well in persia ...& my friend , I'm not minded to be blessed by god , I know U used to say that sentence usuallY , buT no God I have , & no bless I need BillY ..but I think god needs humans bless...any way let's change the matter to the main poet friend , as always your beautifull explanation is more beautfull than my trial & I'm honoured to read this beautifull words about this trial of mine . I wish for there'll be a god to bless U as U wanT for us all & I send U all my sincerelY best wishes my friend .thnX aloT for everything as always my friend.take care.___Behnam
Wonderful Behnam!
The guitar is extremely well played: all notes are clear and distinct. And the sound is awesome!
You really tell a story with your music!
And I was glad to see that after the dark part of life (~1:35), we come to see the light again (2:30)
Take care my friend
well my friend , according to the time , let me to answer U in email too righT here about that momenT which U've made me glad to see someone has listened such carefully this trial .I can always except to learn something new from some of my throughbred colleagues & one of them who is most near friend of mine too is U Domenico & so first I should have an exclusive appreciations because of your carefully attention & listeninG . Domenico if U see quality is good cause it's recorded in studio & this time it's not recorded in my home...buT U know that I've done that '' BendinG '' action as always & not studio man ...& yes U're righT , buT I don'T know what should I do to make that second righT ...
and abouT your commenT , again an exclusive appreciation & about what U've expected about let's come back to that bright part of the life ( nice explanation it was Domenico),I'm agree with U buT just I thaughT shorter track would be better & I prefer to listener want to listen any trial more than one time if I haven't repeat that part again ..buT beyond this trial , Domenico do U reallY think the life will behaiviour us in the way which we excepT ?...take care my throughbred friend & in the end the same sentences U know.____Behnam
I am incredibly impressed with the level of expertise you presented. The tones are rich and the resonance produced while playing is harmonious. You obviously have a passion for the instrument and it is evident in the quality of your guitar playing. I have had the pleasure of listening to a few of your classical guitar trials. You remind me of Armik Dashchi. But I must say you have a unique style all your own. Congrats on your beautifully played music.
BrandY thank U very much for your presence , nice analysinG , worthy simile of yours abouT someone who I've liked him too much for several years , & kind words which roots in your kind personalitY . U know about looperman current words about appreciations so I won't replY them & just wish U'll got better soon . take more care Miss Michelle , do take care BrandY ... the rest in mail & best wishes.___Behnam
Mike , beyond my appreciations about your beautifull expanation & words , I'm minded to appreciate U again too here for the name U select for it & worthwhile guidance of yours abouT this trial of mine in our email swaps..thnx aloT for everythinG ,take care Mike.___Behnam
hey glad to see U my friend here ...& thnx alot for your worthwhile comment & the words ...Danke I'm s gracefull my friend ,& yes music is my shelter ..the countrY which I have noT .. buT can U underestand me if I honestY say there R some times in which I think this is my idiotism if I love music such greaT & serious...don't know .....don't know......merci Danke for your presence , attention & beautifull perception & explanation of yours in your wishes.____Behnam
Impressive dexterity .... and this concept is somehow proof of your great talent.
The adaptation does not suffer criticism. A flight of notes and harmonies.
Really good my Friend ....
Hi Dan , glad to see your posotove idea abouT this trial of mine & my fingers skill botH & thnx for your kindness..I know this has been one of my hardest trial for play althoughT pragmaticallY , it's an useless dexteritY , if my fingers may deserve thas word...thnx alot my frind for your attention & presence & wishes as always.___Behnam
great sound. when the drums came in I thought it was going into a groove, but you had a different idea. when it transforms into that slow-motion section it is an amazing dramatic turn. brilliant playing and concept here. congratulations.
dear Dan , I was glad if U may describe for me ( in email ) more abouT your idea . majoritY of time I've enjoyed your idea abouT various trials of mine & would be glad to know our idea.
thanx alot my friend for your presence , carefull attention & cool commenT .my best wishes.___Behnam
hey Steve , beautifull logo it is , I'll used to find your track by this new avatar . thanX alot my friend for your attention to this trial of mine & kind commenT.__Behnam
Description : NOTICE: this song is made ONLY FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. Contains an emulation of a TM legendary song (send to the original authors, i add them on Fb time ago).
This is a surprise, for those was young in 1999, for the beloved Patricia (and the gift of her voice) and my brothers Nous2 and Jamid, kind people i met here. Let's go crying guys, hope you enjoy.
Description : There were two separate tracks in work, but who knows why I got tired with them and then decided to merge them (or at least what left from them) into one piece hence they originate out of same musical purpose. No world war was ment here, except my recent personal one...haha...and you don't want to know about it.:) It's not real etude by any means, yet it's quite alot about practicing...practicing...
Description : Remastered March 2023. Recorded live on two mics. For my wee daughter Tui; I wrote it sitting on the bathroom floor, keeping her company while she was in the bath....
Description : This track contains several loops from various Looperman artists, listed below. Merry Xmas! UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!
Applied loops:
THEHUMPS: 0308224-0052308 (C Mando Blues Acoustic Guitar Fill 1- 100 bpm),
0308224-0052216 (Mando 1 Strum C-D 100 bpm),
0308224-0052215 (Mando 1 Notes C-D 100 bpm),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0006824 (Triangle 116), 0071878-0004044 (Fragment), 0071878-0003099 (Lion Perc and Orc 01),
BILLYENGLAND: 0133538-0005877 (Sparkle Piano), 0133538-0005879 (Dream Vibe),
DEVODALE: 0134239-0044149 (Devodale - AmGFx2 - Pt4 Wah 030511),
RAYKOEDFOE: 0146059-0015988 (Dusty Steel Guitar),
ACIDPARADOX: 0152969-0011344 (Medieval guitar loop),
REALSTRINGS: 0175741-0009205 (Real Strings - 8),
CHRISTPSPAROGLOU: 0128032-0023631 (Akoustic machine loop),
CHIEFJUSTICE: 0138351-000600 (Cow Bell Loop),
BIGFORTUNE1: 0090927-0002582 (Basic Jambeau),
ENTER_THE_RETURN: 0096555-0014434 (Am F C G Chord Progression),
ANCHOR: 0072432-0001988 (Hungarian Piano 01),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0017887 (Our Voices Never Touched Guitar Riff),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0003788 (Acoustic Guitar Picking 1),
INNSTRUMENTALZ: 0265235-0019477 (Piano Loop 1),
TZA1800: 0239374-0052187 (Woodwind and Mallet Percussion Melody),
ICZAR13: 0190625-0012289 (Acoustic GTar loop),
BENRUDGE: 0303073-0021908 (Melancholic Piano Loop in A minor).
Description : Again, another early production from like two years ago. I had a cheap little Yamaha acoustic guitar that I borrowed and mic'd and some congas that were given to me as a birthday present. I used my iPad GarageBand app to record the strings and the big bass drum thingy at the interlude and little electric guitar parts in there too haha. All the vocals were done by myself and my brother throws in some little things here and there with his voice :P Enjoy!
Description : A rhythm guitar track I made and sent to my cousin on the East Coast. Made with Tape-A-Talk app. from the Google Play Store. Download and collaborate with it.
Description : My very first acoustic piece in quite a while..
I hope someone grabs this and puts some vocals to it.
The software I used is Reaper, Addictive Drums and Gearbox.
Hardware is a Jackson RR3 plugged into a Line 6 Pod X3..
Description : Thats my newest Track all made out of free vst of the dsk series. Its a kind of chill out acoustic string thing that makes me thinking. Its very calm,inspirational and gives me power...
Description : I started composing this tune with an excellent loop of MINOR2GO.
This is the result so far, hope you'll like it.
Guitar: Daniel Hirschi, Hanspeter Dubach
Dobro: William Endres
Bass: Alex Richard
Hammond & Keys: Claude Barbotte (R.I.P.)
Strings & Pads: Costa R. Zbinden
Drums: Laurent Wirz
loops: MINOR2GO, Megapaul, Loneninjah
Composed & arranged by: Laurent Wirz, Alex Richard, Costa R. Zbinden
I never can understand that how someone could play or make something like this by guitar.
It's Nice and as you said serious like hell.
Hi there
very cute track !
In short: Just beautiful music!
Awesome flamenco style guitar playing. As ever, brilliant work!
Regards, Paora
best wishes of mine .___Behnam
in that spirit let me tell you this is a "well said" in the language called music.
what is the language of music i hear some ask?
well... *jeopardy theme music fade in*
technically it's just different densities in air, according to simple patterns which rely on most basic arithmetic ratios. but then the brain is capable of converting this universal code of different ratios in pitch and duration into electrochemical signals. so every brain is converting pressure deviations in the ear within a fraction of a moment into a complex relational mapping of ridiculous amounts of data and creates expectations based on it. way to go brain!
but then there's also the part i don't and never will understand, why it affects the soul and emotion apart from being connected to memories and bias like we know. sometimes i wish i could listen to music for the first time ever with a blank mind. after wiping all my memories, emotions and knowledge related to anything musical. no more expectations or biased listening.
but why am i writing all these things? honestly, i was just fascinated once again when i started to think about it and then got carried away! i am sorry and hope it was at least entertaining :D
i really like this musical concept and my brain and soul approve and become brisk.
PS: would love to have this in my playlist, if you dont mind please send me a mp3
Your fellow student
my hearty best wishes .________Behnam
And the whole is finally triumphant !
This piece is the absolute expression of passionate love, with moments of doubt until love floods into the heart .
How I love this ! ...
Thx for sharing this beauty, Behnam .
tumbleweed or the same our Ed cunningham
& FerryTerry speciallY about JaZz & latin style
thumbs up for this, Behnam^^
The guitar is extremely well played: all notes are clear and distinct. And the sound is awesome!
You really tell a story with your music!
And I was glad to see that after the dark part of life (~1:35), we come to see the light again (2:30)
Take care my friend
and abouT your commenT , again an exclusive appreciation & about what U've expected about let's come back to that bright part of the life ( nice explanation it was Domenico),I'm agree with U buT just I thaughT shorter track would be better & I prefer to listener want to listen any trial more than one time if I haven't repeat that part again ..buT beyond this trial , Domenico do U reallY think the life will behaiviour us in the way which we excepT ?...take care my throughbred friend & in the end the same sentences U know.____Behnam
Brandon Michelle
Impressive dexterity .... and this concept is somehow proof of your great talent.
The adaptation does not suffer criticism. A flight of notes and harmonies.
Really good my Friend ....
thanx alot my friend for your presence , carefull attention & cool commenT .my best wishes.___Behnam