Description : UPDATE: Made it longer. It's probably ruined...
I'm obsessed with Nina Simone so here is one more try with her pella from the very famous song "Feeling Good", it should be legal because it's a remix. Kind of?
Anyway - I tried my hand on some guitar sounds and tried to avoid piano (but it sneeked in anyway). There is some loops here, a guitarloop from Serialchiller, a drumloop from Dj4real (very retro - I love it!) and two beautiful flute loops from both Enzotic and Ferryterry - thanks guys for sharing!
Just a work in progress and nothing serious this time, I´m still resting my ears... =)
Love the sounds you get into your works, clarity and sweet synths, this has a very relaxed vibe to it, again you have used vocal very well into the mix...Fav'd...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Some really nice elements at the start...synths, keyboards and guitar...are the echo's reversed? Having a good pella always sets up for a good the piano...I like the rhythm set up for this...sort of march into her new life!...yes the vocals need remixing to stop the distortion but if this at a development stage its in good shape!
You need to rest your ears after that audio assault of my heavy metal tune LOL! This is a really good mix, I think it all fits together perfect :D Builds up nicely. Very well done!
One word...awesome. ok if we want to be picky, yes the mastering could be improved, but that did not detract from a great sound. you have done a great job with this and Mr Darkreine will not be the only one spinning this on loopradio I will be playing tomorrow night on my loopradio slot. Nice work.
Thank you for your support, you fabulous man!
I'll be listening for sure.
I'll try to master this after the mix is all done, still got some ideas to try out before it's finished and it's going to take a while to get there I guess...
But thanks for listening and take care Mark/Larry!
/SJ =)
Hi SJ...just catching up with this mix now & operating in my usual perpetually unorganized mode...much has already been said I see....Its certainly different and just dam good.I wondered about the amount of reverb on the vocal but I`m liking it by the time I get to the end..(if you want to improve the clarity of the vocal & leave the reverb as it is...just adjust the reverb pre-delay setting so that you have somewhere in the range of 100-200ms or more of sound before the reverb kicks in..great job.....Ed
Wow this is so different to the first version you uploaded. I think your compilation skills have just gone through the roof! Really well executed and the piano works!! Defo gonna spin this on Loop Radio.
Hey Kenny!
It's a whole different track than the first attempt with Nina Simones vocal, the old one ended up in the bin where it belonged... lol!
Yey - thanks for downloading, I'm listening on the Loop radio a lot and having fun reading you crazy people
chatting in the chatroom but I'm too shy to log in myself...besides, half the time I don't even get the jargon (but it's fun anyway =D ).
I am back and I have relistened and don't have that much to say because it's really good. Why do you think it's probably ruined? Do you suffer from a lot of self doubt?
You've essentially created a whole new piece of music here and totally transported those very classic vocals to somewhere completely different. So, it's a true genre-hopping remix. Btu certainly not one where you just slam a bit of the vocal over a house beat and some trance pads. Much more beautiful than that.
Even if you didn't play a note on this, you've got a great feel for your source materials ie all these loops, many of which I've already praised.
Extension is good but might need to be a little shorter.
I would probably lose 3:26-3:40 entirely as it's not really adding anything new and we've heard it all before. Also, the cymbals are a bit off in their timing. They were the only addition I could notice there. It's no terrible thing if you keep those few bars in - I just don't think they're necessary.
I think you have a new drum fill at 2:45, which I like.
Otherwise, I think the mix is good though it can sort of always be better, or at least different (which would be better to some ears).
This could be really popular in all sorts of clubs and would be enjoyed by people who'd never heard the original. Which I suppose it pretty obvious, as they're such classic vocals.
Hi again and yes, I could probably be a bit more confident but I'm feeling as a joke(hence my beside all the rest of you guys with long musical experiences - but enough of that for now.
There is some loops here (see the description) but other than that I made the rest myself in the daw, I wish I had a piano/midi to actually be able to play things and get the timing right, the piano sounds different in my head than the thing that comes out from FL's pianoroll.
About the drumfill - spot on, you noticed! I did some chopping and rearranging with the dumloop and I think I'm going to add some more drumfills in the end if I manage to get it right.
And the cymbals - yes agreed, something wrong with the timing there, maybe change the beat there all together, it's not working the way intended.
Also the reason why that part feels too repetitive I guess, so have to rework it.
Hi. Guess you forgot to reply before. I would guess that something like 30% of comments I write on here receive no reply. I don't really understand this. If someone's taken the time to discuss and analyse a track in a fair bit of detail, as I tend to do, you'd think the person who made it would have quite a bit to say in response. I certainly always do.
Anyway, I'm not able right now to listen to the track (technical reasons) but look forward to doing so later. I like to return to people's updates and it's a challenge to see how much I can remember of the previous version and also see if they've taken any advice I gave. Or maybe they'll really surprise me with some new addition.
No sure what happened with Looperman. Must have been some glitch as I got three replies to my last comment come through to my email.
"I just presupposed that any of my strange creations really wouldn't be to your liking"
I still don't know why that is. I can only guess it's something to do with the nature of the tracks I upload here.
I will pay close attention to the extension from around 2:21 on and get back to you later today.
Hi StaticNomad!
Oh, that wasn't a glitch from the Loop, it was me who happend to send the reply too early the first time before it was finished, trying to complete it the second time (now you actually are able to edit by clicking back one page after you send the message and rewrite/sent it again, but this takes away the first message completely which I wasn't aware of) and failing miserable. Tried a third time to correct it and lost all I had to say in the process (although you apparently got all the versions I wrote anyway! ^^).
I actually thougt I had replied earlier, I'm not one of those who doesn't reply, mind you very much! =D
But I'm sorry for the mess and for the late reply.
What I wanted to write earlier was that it was good to hear all the detailed reflections you had and about the length - well, now I feel the track is only getting started at the later part when the cymbals come in from nowhere...maybe I have to extend it even more and cut off something in the middle.
You really don't have to waste your time on this track, but if you do I'll try to reply much sooner and to not mess it up this time. :)
I really appreciate your comments!
Better - My request to listen to Moby's Porcelain was from an earlier comment about vocals as texture even though Porcelain is one of his more vocal centric tracks. The opening chorus which is something like 'Hey, Hey, Hey, Woman, it's alright' is pure texture - doesn't relate to the rest of the song. Your chorus ' Birds flying high you know how I feel' is texture overlay for the music.
The music is the brilliant part - the vocals don't have to follow ABABCAB pattern they are just texture to provide structure for the music which has it's own narrative. I think the vocals are too dominant.
This is one person's take - you are ultimately the arbiter of your own music but I think you are better than you think you are.
Please keep it up.
Oh, now I get your point about the texture!
That is an interesting aproach to music, for me the vox is really central for some reason although I also think of it as just an other instrument to "paint" the soundscape with but I get that now that I really haven't explored that part yet, just done some scratching on the surface.
That has to be my next project somehow; this song wants to be this way although I could work a lot more with the vocal...hmm I have to think about this!
Thanks for clarifying and pointing me in to interesting new directions, Clindsay!
Hey... This is good work. Could it use some detail mix wise? Sure, all music is never perfect but I enjoyed this remix a lot! Don't worry about perfect mixing and mastering.
It's in range and sounds good. Nice arrangement which is always the sign of someone who is doing it right. Keep at it! Take some time to practice mixing and you'll be golden!
Hi there!
Thanks for listening and you are right - perfect isn't everything, but I'm going to take on to your advice and practise on mixing.
It maybe won't be perfect but it can always be better!
Very interesting and definitely want to hear how this progresses. You have a seriously musical mind, and real talent for innovative composition ideas which really grab the listener.
As others have said, the levels and reverbs just need a bit of thinking about, but that's just technical. The important thing is the idea and inspiration, which are priceless.
Hey thanks Maff!!
Really encouraging words from you, means a lot for a newbie like me.
Maybe I'm on to something here then; to be continued.
And thank you for listening, I need to catch up with your Music!
To appreciate this great lady of jazz, is evidence of a great musical personality.
Your approach is of high quality, although the voice with a little less reverb, would bring a more intimate feeling.
Nevertheless, I appreciate the overall performance of your track, and the ingenuity of mixing different sources.
Hello Dan!
Oh don't worry about any delay - I'm constantly runing late with all responses and have a lot of great music to catch up with - including yours!
The reverb - yes, too much again. I'm actually hearing it myself now so maybe I've got enough of reverb for a lifetime...going to check the levels later on when working without headphones.
Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by and take care!
/ SJ =)
Music brilliant - arrangement good - vocals too bright - not ruined but still requires tunesmithing. Listen to Porcelain by Moby.
Keep at it - this has great potential.
Hi Clindsay!
I finally had a listen to Moby and Porcelain and found out that I of course had heard it before - it's a great song. I also noticed his use of piano, the high notes - there is a similarity but his work is of course on a completely other level, unreachable for me.
But a fun thing to discover and a great learning experience! I got some new ideas from there.
Still working on this (later on), thanks for listening and for the advice as always!
SJ excuse me for latency in reaction , I just have cancelled that option which makes site send an email to me when someone replies and see this(your replY) yesterday & just wanted to say :
'' Hope U don't read these words as loopermanian or Asian compliments if I say my friend , for sure honor belongs to me ( have U seen religious people say honour belongs to god?hahahha!) for collaborating with U ! what was these great compliments sir !mummy muziker!Miss or the same SJ !
I felt Michael Angelo with your replY hahahaha''
SJ , I've been a music teecher for many years , and
have seen how great tallents passing distances fasT & cause
I am sure hereinafter there'll be years when U wn't accepT
more than few musician in looperman who collaborate with & I won'T be in those days in this site , so I reserved a sit in SJ collab stations for myself earlier.
any way beyond what U may do or don't about this nice track many thnx for accepting my offer & greatest respects for our unseen colleague_friend who we all here liked her kind & sane personality quite seriouslY & joking away .
best wishes.___Behnam
Well Behnam,
I don't Think it will ever come to that!
I really have no talent - I play no instruments as you know besides from very little piano.
This is all happening in the daw, on the computer. Almost anybody could learn to do this.
So no great talent here.
But thanks anyway - it's feels good to be apreciated!
Hi there! I am also a big fan of hers, and this is great! I was excited to listen to this when I saw the title and I was not disappointed. This is one I will continue to play over and over. I would love to see what the final product would be if this is something you are continuing to work on. Thank you!
Like may of your tracks this one verges on brilliance - starts out great - great match of groove with pella. This is your best cut in my opinion - stands up on its own.
You tend to overuse the vocals against the music. Listen to Moby, which you resemble, who uses vocals as a texture. Your music is seriously good let it tell the story.
To give you an idea of how good this one is, look at the level of detail of the comments - we're rooting for you.
Keep up the good work!
Why not? I give praise to all sorts of tracks on here. Most uploads I don't like or find boring. But when I do like one, I tend to say quite a lot about it. There is a lot to say about good music! That's why I'm disappointed at how little people say about music on here. I almost always try to give a good bit of detail. But most people don't.
Yes, I can hear some of those pops and crackles. Maybe you can find a way to get rid of them.
Delayed guitar and synth bass is a good intro and then it's really surprising when the vocals come in. Because they're so classic and well known that everyone knows we're hearing a very different presentation and remix.
Piano is good and everything works just fine without any drums. Lots of good melody here. Difficult to put this in any obvious genre.
Flute is something else a bit unusual.
It is a good drum loop and sits really well with that delayed guitar.
2:04 I like the stop of the beat. I'm the sort of person who would probably have put a drum fill in the gap but I think it's better without, as you've done it.
2:05 is kind of a trance/dubstep solo. Strange but good fit with the vocal.
I think this perhaps only needs to be 30-60 secs longer and it will be complete.
But there are lots of good musical elements so you could extend it and have more of a gap before you bring the vocals back.
You've probably heard enough of my stuff now to know I like and make very long tracks. But I also like some shorter stuff and this is quite effective at this length.
Sorry or late reply!
Thanks for all the thougths and comments so far. I'm wondering if the extension from 2:21 is to your liking or if I lost it there?
(I've been posting this reply 3 times now without any success...maybe this time)
Bravo, I love how you arranged this. I agree with you about the mastering part, but the composition and arrangement is brilliant and you have made this jazz singer fit brilliantly in this electro-world you created. Plus it has this sinister edge that I like to listen to in songs complete with some cool harmonics . great stuff!
Hey Thanks Steve!
Somehow funny to manage to create something worth listening too by almost an accident...
As I wrote to Behnam this was mainly for practising on how to use FL guitar sounds (and they are very modest here! =D ).
I also intended to create an instrumental for a new friend of mine who is a vocalist but it didn't turn out the way I intended so I used the pella from Nina Simone instead.
Well, glad to hear you liked it, now I have two fun projects to work on, this and the Devyn Rose-remix.
I came to write for that one which I listened yesterday & today checked Steve's version too , buT U surprised me ..
SJ this was by FaAaAaAarRrRr best track I've ever remembere from yours ! and I think I've heared more than 10 track from U.really congratulation & seriouslY Bravo.
SJ this doesn'T need anything like guitar & I usually even don't accept to be just a player even when my friends want me to be , buT if U wanted to have any electric guitar lead as varietY for this track U can counT on me , and not for collab , just for pleasure of listening & playing with this very nice track. most notable poinT which makes this track be best of yours in my head is a considered equilibrium between Bass & Acute notes which is usualy a lack in your compositions according to Scale ''D'' & ''A'' also ''C''few times which are scale of majority of your traX according to vocals scale and your hands while playing piano while composing are usualy so close to eachother and U concentrate to a limited area of your pianO . about this one U've thaughT more electroniX & have selected a wide distance between bassest note & most acute tone in your track & althought again Scale & Key are the same buT U've got a better equilibrium & hub . hope I have been able to express what I mean while I'm in office and in a hurry writing this commenT.all the best.____Behnam
Wow Behnam!
Would you really want to add your guitar play to this after I've finished it? I would be more than honoured! Even you just asking that is an honour, it doesn't even have to happen. =)
I hear you about that bassline and widening the scale when composing, I think I'm slowly starting to get a grip of it all.
I'm not actually playing a piano, I do it all in the daw unfortunately. But the piano in this piece I actually could play back on a real piano, it's quite simple and I used very little echoes so it sounds almost natural.
Well, this was a surprise for me too, did not expect such a appreciation for this track! I mainly did it as a practice for guitar sounds... and now you are offering to play some real guitar in it!!!
Awesome if that happens, then this will be my favourite of my own tracks.
Let's get back to this when and if I ever manage to finish this in a good way!
Thank you, Behnam.
/SJ =)
Obviously, you're dealing with some very classic vocals here.
But that makes it even more important that you do a good job. And you did and have presented these classic vocals in a new way. On first listen, everything fits perfectly and this is no longer jazz.
I will give a more detailed review later but just wanted to quickly let you know now how I feel.
Really?! Did not expect any praise from you...well, then I obviously need to take this one more seriously - and you are right I should take it seriously when using vocals of this calibre.
This is not mixed properly and not mastered at all (and as you here it's not finished either), and I'm hearing a lot of pops and cracks, so there is a lot to be done which I'm aware of.
Thanks for listening and letting me know your initial thoughts!
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Applied loops:
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Love the sounds you get into your works, clarity and sweet synths, this has a very relaxed vibe to it, again you have used vocal very well into the mix...Fav'd...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
original song is one of my fav.
great work, i loved the combination, and that piano ...
i will be working to make a remix of original song on this summer,
faved for sure , keep it up! ( i know you will... :D )
Can't wait to hear the result, I know already that it's going to be awesome!
One word...awesome. ok if we want to be picky, yes the mastering could be improved, but that did not detract from a great sound. you have done a great job with this and Mr Darkreine will not be the only one spinning this on loopradio I will be playing tomorrow night on my loopradio slot. Nice work.
Best wishes,
I'll be listening for sure.
I'll try to master this after the mix is all done, still got some ideas to try out before it's finished and it's going to take a while to get there I guess...
But thanks for listening and take care Mark/Larry!
/SJ =)
Thanks for the tip about reverb pre-delay settings! I'll try that.
And thanks for listening! /SJ =)
It's a whole different track than the first attempt with Nina Simones vocal, the old one ended up in the bin where it belonged... lol!
Yey - thanks for downloading, I'm listening on the Loop radio a lot and having fun reading you crazy people
chatting in the chatroom but I'm too shy to log in myself...besides, half the time I don't even get the jargon (but it's fun anyway =D ).
Take care!
/SJ =)
You've essentially created a whole new piece of music here and totally transported those very classic vocals to somewhere completely different. So, it's a true genre-hopping remix. Btu certainly not one where you just slam a bit of the vocal over a house beat and some trance pads. Much more beautiful than that.
Even if you didn't play a note on this, you've got a great feel for your source materials ie all these loops, many of which I've already praised.
Extension is good but might need to be a little shorter.
I would probably lose 3:26-3:40 entirely as it's not really adding anything new and we've heard it all before. Also, the cymbals are a bit off in their timing. They were the only addition I could notice there. It's no terrible thing if you keep those few bars in - I just don't think they're necessary.
I think you have a new drum fill at 2:45, which I like.
Otherwise, I think the mix is good though it can sort of always be better, or at least different (which would be better to some ears).
This could be really popular in all sorts of clubs and would be enjoyed by people who'd never heard the original. Which I suppose it pretty obvious, as they're such classic vocals.
There is some loops here (see the description) but other than that I made the rest myself in the daw, I wish I had a piano/midi to actually be able to play things and get the timing right, the piano sounds different in my head than the thing that comes out from FL's pianoroll.
About the drumfill - spot on, you noticed! I did some chopping and rearranging with the dumloop and I think I'm going to add some more drumfills in the end if I manage to get it right.
And the cymbals - yes agreed, something wrong with the timing there, maybe change the beat there all together, it's not working the way intended.
Also the reason why that part feels too repetitive I guess, so have to rework it.
Thanks for the great feedback, StaticNomad!
Anyway, I'm not able right now to listen to the track (technical reasons) but look forward to doing so later. I like to return to people's updates and it's a challenge to see how much I can remember of the previous version and also see if they've taken any advice I gave. Or maybe they'll really surprise me with some new addition.
No sure what happened with Looperman. Must have been some glitch as I got three replies to my last comment come through to my email.
"I just presupposed that any of my strange creations really wouldn't be to your liking"
I still don't know why that is. I can only guess it's something to do with the nature of the tracks I upload here.
I will pay close attention to the extension from around 2:21 on and get back to you later today.
Oh, that wasn't a glitch from the Loop, it was me who happend to send the reply too early the first time before it was finished, trying to complete it the second time (now you actually are able to edit by clicking back one page after you send the message and rewrite/sent it again, but this takes away the first message completely which I wasn't aware of) and failing miserable. Tried a third time to correct it and lost all I had to say in the process (although you apparently got all the versions I wrote anyway! ^^).
I actually thougt I had replied earlier, I'm not one of those who doesn't reply, mind you very much! =D
But I'm sorry for the mess and for the late reply.
What I wanted to write earlier was that it was good to hear all the detailed reflections you had and about the length - well, now I feel the track is only getting started at the later part when the cymbals come in from nowhere...maybe I have to extend it even more and cut off something in the middle.
You really don't have to waste your time on this track, but if you do I'll try to reply much sooner and to not mess it up this time. :)
I really appreciate your comments!
Take care and have a nice day/ SJ
The music is the brilliant part - the vocals don't have to follow ABABCAB pattern they are just texture to provide structure for the music which has it's own narrative. I think the vocals are too dominant.
This is one person's take - you are ultimately the arbiter of your own music but I think you are better than you think you are.
Please keep it up.
That is an interesting aproach to music, for me the vox is really central for some reason although I also think of it as just an other instrument to "paint" the soundscape with but I get that now that I really haven't explored that part yet, just done some scratching on the surface.
That has to be my next project somehow; this song wants to be this way although I could work a lot more with the vocal...hmm I have to think about this!
Thanks for clarifying and pointing me in to interesting new directions, Clindsay!
And a high 5 for using Nina Simone..
Tackar, tackar - high 5 right back at you for the idea of using the voice from an other great vocalist such as Amy Winehouse!
Ha det / SJ =)
maybe we can work together in future if you be minded too .
I really don't have a good voice so I'm stuck with only composing.
Let's get back to this later!
Take care / SJ =)
and what a wonderfull offers you've recceived
for guitar collab about this !!
i really wonder how!
good luck.
About Behnams earlier collab offer (don't know if it still stands now when the track is longer though) - I'm as surprised as you!!
It's in range and sounds good. Nice arrangement which is always the sign of someone who is doing it right. Keep at it! Take some time to practice mixing and you'll be golden!
Thanks for listening and you are right - perfect isn't everything, but I'm going to take on to your advice and practise on mixing.
It maybe won't be perfect but it can always be better!
Take care and thanks for the comment.
As others have said, the levels and reverbs just need a bit of thinking about, but that's just technical. The important thing is the idea and inspiration, which are priceless.
Well done and best wishes!
Really encouraging words from you, means a lot for a newbie like me.
Maybe I'm on to something here then; to be continued.
And thank you for listening, I need to catch up with your Music!
Take care!
/SJ =)
To appreciate this great lady of jazz, is evidence of a great musical personality.
Your approach is of high quality, although the voice with a little less reverb, would bring a more intimate feeling.
Nevertheless, I appreciate the overall performance of your track, and the ingenuity of mixing different sources.
Sorry to react with as much delay ....
Oh don't worry about any delay - I'm constantly runing late with all responses and have a lot of great music to catch up with - including yours!
The reverb - yes, too much again. I'm actually hearing it myself now so maybe I've got enough of reverb for a lifetime...going to check the levels later on when working without headphones.
Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by and take care!
/ SJ =)
Keep at it - this has great potential.
I finally had a listen to Moby and Porcelain and found out that I of course had heard it before - it's a great song. I also noticed his use of piano, the high notes - there is a similarity but his work is of course on a completely other level, unreachable for me.
But a fun thing to discover and a great learning experience! I got some new ideas from there.
Still working on this (later on), thanks for listening and for the advice as always!
/SJ =)
nice work.
keep at it.
Yes I need to listen and remix this without headphones, Simones vocal is a bit hard to bring forward without loosing her special sound.
To be continued...
/ SJ
You should listen to the original track by Nina Simone - it's one of the best there is.
Take care/ SJ =)
With admiration___Orlando
I'm glad you liked this but I really don't have such talent!
Haha - but I wish I had of course.
All the best to you!
/SJ =)
'' Hope U don't read these words as loopermanian or Asian compliments if I say my friend , for sure honor belongs to me ( have U seen religious people say honour belongs to god?hahahha!) for collaborating with U ! what was these great compliments sir !mummy muziker!Miss or the same SJ !
I felt Michael Angelo with your replY hahahaha''
SJ , I've been a music teecher for many years , and
have seen how great tallents passing distances fasT & cause
I am sure hereinafter there'll be years when U wn't accepT
more than few musician in looperman who collaborate with & I won'T be in those days in this site , so I reserved a sit in SJ collab stations for myself earlier.
any way beyond what U may do or don't about this nice track many thnx for accepting my offer & greatest respects for our unseen colleague_friend who we all here liked her kind & sane personality quite seriouslY & joking away .
best wishes.___Behnam
I don't Think it will ever come to that!
I really have no talent - I play no instruments as you know besides from very little piano.
This is all happening in the daw, on the computer. Almost anybody could learn to do this.
So no great talent here.
But thanks anyway - it's feels good to be apreciated!
i loved ambience.
you are very tallented .
You tend to overuse the vocals against the music. Listen to Moby, which you resemble, who uses vocals as a texture. Your music is seriously good let it tell the story.
To give you an idea of how good this one is, look at the level of detail of the comments - we're rooting for you.
Keep up the good work!
I'm not sure how to reply to this other than thank you!
Very kind of you.
About using the vocals as texture - I have to check that out, sounds interesting!
/SJ =)
Why not? I give praise to all sorts of tracks on here. Most uploads I don't like or find boring. But when I do like one, I tend to say quite a lot about it. There is a lot to say about good music! That's why I'm disappointed at how little people say about music on here. I almost always try to give a good bit of detail. But most people don't.
Yes, I can hear some of those pops and crackles. Maybe you can find a way to get rid of them.
Delayed guitar and synth bass is a good intro and then it's really surprising when the vocals come in. Because they're so classic and well known that everyone knows we're hearing a very different presentation and remix.
Piano is good and everything works just fine without any drums. Lots of good melody here. Difficult to put this in any obvious genre.
Flute is something else a bit unusual.
It is a good drum loop and sits really well with that delayed guitar.
2:04 I like the stop of the beat. I'm the sort of person who would probably have put a drum fill in the gap but I think it's better without, as you've done it.
2:05 is kind of a trance/dubstep solo. Strange but good fit with the vocal.
I think this perhaps only needs to be 30-60 secs longer and it will be complete.
But there are lots of good musical elements so you could extend it and have more of a gap before you bring the vocals back.
You've probably heard enough of my stuff now to know I like and make very long tracks. But I also like some shorter stuff and this is quite effective at this length.
Thanks for all the thougths and comments so far. I'm wondering if the extension from 2:21 is to your liking or if I lost it there?
(I've been posting this reply 3 times now without any success...maybe this time)
Somehow funny to manage to create something worth listening too by almost an accident...
As I wrote to Behnam this was mainly for practising on how to use FL guitar sounds (and they are very modest here! =D ).
I also intended to create an instrumental for a new friend of mine who is a vocalist but it didn't turn out the way I intended so I used the pella from Nina Simone instead.
Well, glad to hear you liked it, now I have two fun projects to work on, this and the Devyn Rose-remix.
SJ this was by FaAaAaAarRrRr best track I've ever remembere from yours ! and I think I've heared more than 10 track from U.really congratulation & seriouslY Bravo.
SJ this doesn'T need anything like guitar & I usually even don't accept to be just a player even when my friends want me to be , buT if U wanted to have any electric guitar lead as varietY for this track U can counT on me , and not for collab , just for pleasure of listening & playing with this very nice track. most notable poinT which makes this track be best of yours in my head is a considered equilibrium between Bass & Acute notes which is usualy a lack in your compositions according to Scale ''D'' & ''A'' also ''C''few times which are scale of majority of your traX according to vocals scale and your hands while playing piano while composing are usualy so close to eachother and U concentrate to a limited area of your pianO . about this one U've thaughT more electroniX & have selected a wide distance between bassest note & most acute tone in your track & althought again Scale & Key are the same buT U've got a better equilibrium & hub . hope I have been able to express what I mean while I'm in office and in a hurry writing this commenT.all the best.____Behnam
Would you really want to add your guitar play to this after I've finished it? I would be more than honoured! Even you just asking that is an honour, it doesn't even have to happen. =)
I hear you about that bassline and widening the scale when composing, I think I'm slowly starting to get a grip of it all.
I'm not actually playing a piano, I do it all in the daw unfortunately. But the piano in this piece I actually could play back on a real piano, it's quite simple and I used very little echoes so it sounds almost natural.
Well, this was a surprise for me too, did not expect such a appreciation for this track! I mainly did it as a practice for guitar sounds... and now you are offering to play some real guitar in it!!!
Awesome if that happens, then this will be my favourite of my own tracks.
Let's get back to this when and if I ever manage to finish this in a good way!
Thank you, Behnam.
/SJ =)
Obviously, you're dealing with some very classic vocals here.
But that makes it even more important that you do a good job. And you did and have presented these classic vocals in a new way. On first listen, everything fits perfectly and this is no longer jazz.
I will give a more detailed review later but just wanted to quickly let you know now how I feel.
This is not mixed properly and not mastered at all (and as you here it's not finished either), and I'm hearing a lot of pops and cracks, so there is a lot to be done which I'm aware of.
Thanks for listening and letting me know your initial thoughts!