8th Apr 2014 11:31 - 10 years ago
Description : Made the transition to rock a bit more considered and less brutal..also tamed down the rock section as not to clash too much with the start...also added an ending to try and tie it to the beginning better.

Comments (9)

If you have time take a listen and give srbrown7 some feedback.

EricMilligan 10th Apr 2014 18:29 - 10 years ago
Well, what can I say? Perhaps my favourite so far. I didn't hear version 1, but I can see that this version has been very carefully crafted. I think the transitions worked really well. Interestingly, compared with the other tracks of yours that I've listened to, I didn't feel the need to add a vocal melody line. This stands on its own just fine. I have the Rob Paper RG plugin, but you've used yours much better than I've been able to do so far. Another one for my iPhone playlist for sure!
VickyDan 10th Apr 2014 08:32 - 10 years ago
Bonjour Steve ....

I have expressed all the good that I thought of this great track .... and it's again with great pleasure that I listen.
I stretched my other cheek for a second slap ....

You are truly talented my friend .... And I'm glad to cross your music road occasionally ....

Jeffierenee 9th Apr 2014 15:56 - 10 years ago
THis was amazing! The beginning had me hooked and the song transitioning almost made me feel like I was in a movie... it built up to a climaxing of everything and calmed down just right. This was truly an amazing track to listen to and I would love to feature this on one of my projects... Amazing! 5 stars!
theHumps 9th Apr 2014 15:35 - 10 years ago
Certainly well worth listening to. Great build up to some energy then a great transition to the second half of the song, like a metamorphosis. Well done, this was constructed nicely and the production is fantastic! Fav and dl for sure, thanks for sharing!

mrwolf14 9th Apr 2014 15:07 - 10 years ago
Superb track. I like the first "chill out" part: very "evocative".
The transition to the rock part is working very well... and actually with the transition bit you cover an additional music genre ... almost disco, so you have three genres in one song :-)
I haven't listened the previous version but I find the drumming here very well balanced and it works effectively.
Overall a great track! Well done!
Ciao, Domenico
StaticNomad 9th Apr 2014 12:55 - 10 years ago
"as usual your insight is helpful and challenging."

Thanks. I especially like to challenge people whose music I like. I want it to be even better! If I can help, in any small way, that's what I feel this site (apart from the free loops) should be about.

"a type of African drum"

Cool - I guess it's adding the reverb that makes it so huge.

"Rob Papens Rhythm guitar"

I bet it's great but I play loads of guitar and might feel a bit weird having intricate guitar stuff in my tracks that I hadn't actually played. Especially as I can sometimes play some intricate stuff.

Sorry to hear about the tinnitus.

First few mins of this sound great again. Fist half is a complete chillout track.

Chillout to rock transition now better and more logical. Very well done in such a short time!

Ending is much better and classier something along the lines of what I was thinking though I thought you might move drums to playing solid 2-stick hat pattern with just kick keeping time so no snare.

6:00-6:02 there's an awkward little crackly pop edit that I hope you can tidy up. Otherwise, no real suggestions for you as it's good additional work. I knew you could do it!
beerling1970 8th Apr 2014 20:01 - 10 years ago
WOW what a beautiful master piece srbrown7 well done mate love it, faved and downloaded.

Danke 8th Apr 2014 14:56 - 10 years ago
TOP track!!!

Absolutely my music...the lost side is the relaxed, fxed side and than the found is the 'headbanging' one with lot of rock elements..KING of the chill out Mr. Brown7...

Favd, dl, hats off...

StaticNomad 8th Apr 2014 12:20 - 10 years ago
Greetings, good sir.

0:13 I like that cavernous door opening sort of synth release sound. What is that?

0:53 vocal was a surprise but there's a great timbre to her voice. And then she's back fro a second note after your strings have played some good melodies.

Low end also sits really well. What I think of as 'anchor bass'. Totally binds everything together and track would be lost without it (I tried as I listened on crap laptop speakers at first so got none of that bass).

So, these first few mins are some good, deep chillout.

Then we get to the second half, in which you must have spent a while scratching your head wondering if you should start a new track. But, a lot like my stuff, you didn't.

Guitar longer notes/chords are decent, in a supporting kind of way, but guitar really gets cool and funky on 3:53. Is that also a VST? Sounds played.

Decent drums. Not my favourite sort of groove but there's some busy kick and some good fills too. Rock section reminds me a bit of my stuff.

Fadeout ending is a big disappointment. Sounds too much like you ran out of ideas and couldn't think of anything better. But you're way better than that! So you should come up with a definitive ending.

Perhaps bring back your female vocal and really tie up the two halves in a nice bookend kind of way. Try combining long guitar notes plus a load of big delay, her vocal, that anchor bass and some steady but gentle hats and kick. Fade the drums out gradually and maybe end where you started.

Hope those ideas help!
srbrown7 replied 9th Apr 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi usual your insight is helpful and challenging. The opening reverbed sound is a type of African drum. . The funky guitar and the long overdrive chords is Rob Papens Rhythm guitar should check it are a right and wrong about the be honest working on the rock section was playing havoc on my ears...tinnitus in left ear is still screaming at me!So I kind of cut and ran! But you were right...ending was crap...also the transition was terribly rushed...the song was built in 2 parts on the screen and I took zero time sewing them together! I did like the concept of the chill to rock and as you said kept plugging away at it. I have had another go at blending the 2 parts and gave it a bit of a more gentler ending..I have also made the drumming less furious and more transitional in tempo. I've also left the fingered bass out as I thought it was fighting the rhythm guitar..I should spend more time on it but I'll have to stay off the head phones for a few days now!
Thanks again

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Hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think, any feedback is appreciated.