6th Nov 2015 14:42 - 9 years ago
Description : You need some emotions? Then you are just right here! I am not sure what kind of feelings you will get but i am sure you will get some intense ones. -- Older track that some how got lost in the looperversum. But here it is again --

Comments (16)

If you have time take a listen and give joecramer some feedback.

AlanMcLarenProject 24th May 2024 14:57 - 10 months ago
It does give emotions, a mix of them, anxiety, fear? Nice track, I can imagine it as a soundtrack of some dark drama series, nice!
Paulusx1 6th Nov 2020 15:35 - 4 years ago
You sound really angry.....I wish you the best in live and piece of mind.
joecramer replied 9th Nov 2020 - 4 years ago
Hey Paulusx1, i wrote in the description that this will give you some powerful emotions. So it looks like it worked again. For me this is just the last few moments befor something new starting and you know that you cant change anything, cause it is better to end it right here, right now, for ever.
Thanks for the listen and your words.

stay tuned
randomuser13 24th Oct 2020 03:59 - 4 years ago
psychedelic man! Hope your still making stuff like this!
joecramer replied 24th Oct 2020 - 4 years ago
Hey randomuser13, i didn't done something in that way lately but maybe it is time to do so. Badly i have not much time for music at all but things are in the flow. Lets see what comes next.
It is good to know that you enjoy this track.
Thanks a lot for the listen and your comment

stay tuned
xstokes 26th Sep 2020 02:42 - 4 years ago
startling psychoacoustics, very heady music!
joecramer replied 26th Sep 2020 - 4 years ago
It goes down like butter (as they say in German)
Thank you very much for these really friendly words!

stay tuned
theHumps 19th Sep 2020 16:25 - 4 years ago
Granular, gritty, abrasive and dark and medieval. We as producers should be getting the emotions riled up of our listeners, it's our job. This works for achieving that so you need a raise at your job!!

Cool track Joe!

joecramer replied 20th Sep 2020 - 4 years ago
Thanks Wayne for my raise. I can of course use them. And I'm really pleased that you are giving it to me in recognition of my performance.
A really kind comment, thanks for that.

stay tuned
PRINCELECTRO 18th Nov 2015 10:48 - 9 years ago
Really dark...Scary but awesome.Faved for sure.
Can I use this on my video? with credits of course
joecramer replied 18th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago

Nice to hear that you think you could use it and also good to know that you found this track scary but awesome.

To answer your question - sure can you use it for your video (with credits) If it is not a real private video, i would like to have a look on it when you finished it.

:) if you wanna make money with your video, remember - i would like some money to :)

stay tuned
Ernestking78 12th Nov 2015 14:33 - 9 years ago
I like it I was flowing to it
joecramer replied 12th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Hi Ernest, thanks for your feedback.

It is realy nice to know that you could follow it and also nice to know that you liked it.

stay tuned
GalaXProject 9th Nov 2015 20:33 - 9 years ago
Ui ui ui :) Sounds very Satanic :) But a good job!

Greetz, GalaX
joecramer replied 10th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Hello GalaXProject

:) satanic .... thats maybe a bit over the top (for my feeling) but that dosen't mean any at all. That's what music is for - give YOU some feelings and they realy don't have to be the same then my.

Nice to know that you enjoyed it.

thanks for the listen and comment

stay tuned
DijamMusic 8th Nov 2015 00:48 - 9 years ago
Hello Joe,
Yet again another Dark one from you I like it.
Very well put together Joe.
Well done
joecramer replied 8th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Hey Jamid

Nice that you found some time to listen to this little emotional track :)
Always nice to get some feedback from your side

stay tuned
SeriouslyJoking 7th Nov 2015 20:43 - 9 years ago
Oh hi Joe!
So this is about the dark, dark day when the kids leave the house - forevvah...the horror!
No really, I Think they'll be coming back occasionally. and when the kids have kids of their own you never get rid of them anymore...
I Think we may look at this in different ways. =D
Good song though! Really sinister sounding. Very nice.

Take care/ SJ =)
joecramer replied 7th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Hello SJ

I know that. And we both are not to far away from knowing what will happend later. But right now the thinking on a empty house and so on just makes me feel (a bit) sad.
I wonder that no one can hear the positive power and energy that also is anywhere deep inside this track :)

Good to know that you think that this track is in a way a good one and that you could enjoy the sounding of this track

Thanks for the comment

stay tuned
thekunig 7th Nov 2015 19:58 - 9 years ago
This track frightens me - but in a good way!! - absolutely love it

joecramer replied 7th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Oh, so i done it just the right way for you.
Nice to hear that.

to be honest, this track frightens me to and also in a good way :)

Realy enjoyed your comment

stay tuned
Danke 7th Nov 2015 18:07 - 9 years ago
Yesss...could sounds like this...I mean that moment of life...natural way the 'leave' but we can't explain it although we know the importance of that, too...

Hats off and hope she found her life...

Handshake, Danke
joecramer replied 7th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
I am sure she will :)

Sure i know that the moment has to come and also sure i know that it is not the end of anything. But ..... it is just a feeling that comes, when i think (like while i worked on this track) about this moment right now (years befor it will happend) .....

Thanks for your nice words and the fav

... i wonder when i can hear the first track with Marcel and you together :) making some good old house music

stay tuned
Orlando51 7th Nov 2015 15:13 - 9 years ago
Hey Joe !

This sounds incredibly threatening and kinda one foot still in Halloween?...haha...As a piece of music
with an apparent cinematic touch it's absolutely great and convincing, yet on the other hand I just can't associate it with a sentiment of a child leaving home when time comes, which is a normal way of life, so I think this sentiment could have been expressed in a bit less dramatic way or/and by adding some more mellow elements.
But this sounds almost apocaliptic....and as I said it's great music by itself, it's just that I can't cope it in terms of your description, but ofcourse this is very subjective teritory so I will just shut up now..!:)^^

All the best______Orlando
joecramer replied 7th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
:) Hey Orlando

I know that it is just a normal thing. sure it is.
And this apocalyptic thing :) i would call it real dramatic but thats all without any meaning at all.
Right now this track is just a track. I just wrote wherefor i wrote it but i didn't used it therfor cause this moment is far away :) ..... So it is realy ok to take the music just as music and take a listen and get own feelings .....

And it is always "uneasy" trieing to explane feelings that comes from thinking on the future

I am sure that, when the moment comes, i stand there with a friendly smile and will do all i can do to make this moment a real nice and special moment without any harm or drama at all for her .....

Nice to hear that you think the music itself is enjoyable

stay tuned
crucethus 7th Nov 2015 02:01 - 9 years ago
Hauntingly Teutonic in a terrifyingly beautiful way. Thinking of Bowie (low, lodger)
all the best
joecramer replied 7th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Hey Cru

"Hauntingly Teutonic in a terrifyingly beautiful way" That sounds realy cool :) maybe i will use that later.
.... Bowie mmmmmm are you sure?

Thanks for listen and the time to write something

stay tuned
ElenaSatine 6th Nov 2015 21:48 - 9 years ago
makes me feel stress inside .
sounds like a cinematic piece .
I enjoyed this .
joecramer replied 7th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
I am sure that the moment will be very stressfull for me deep inside and it will be also like a kind of a movie - but for sure not a "funny" one :)

I know that it will be a great moment and i know that this moment must come but ........

Nice to know that you enjoyed the listen

stay tuned
Rhodesy 6th Nov 2015 18:32 - 9 years ago
Blimey Joe,this sounds a bit scary.Whats going to happen on the day mate,murder or worse!Very haunting i am feeling the pain and loss you are contemplating i have had similar,its never the same,but nothing can always remain the same.Love to ya.
joecramer replied 7th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Thats the way it goes for dads :)

If someone told me that a few years ago, i wouldn't believe him/her that I would think on things like that in so a strange way ...... Dads :)

Thanks for the shared love
I realy enjoyed your comment

stay tuned

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22nd Dec 2023 11:27 - 1 year ago
Tags :
Description : Made this a few months back but just added some vocals - well a few different ones : )
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Feedback welcome
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