Description : This is a collaboration with Looperman user called Gelomelo. I used his acapella and did my thing.
I'm in for collaboration. You write the words and sing // i do the beat ! and we figured out together Contact me
This indie track was uploaded by Indieground. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (8)
If you have time take a listen and give Indieground some feedback.
I've taken the time to listen to four of your tracks and I can see a variation between each of them starting from your first to your last track. There is a base experimental style to each, but all have a very nice feel to them. I especially like this one; where you're not afraid to push the envelope and overdrive some of the sounds. Even with the distortion you've managed to keep it relaxing, very well done.
Hey thx for your kinds words and curiosity mate
And you're right i like diversity (which is a financial disaster in music bizness ha !) but i also like to keep in mind that those tracks could be done live with a bass, drum and guitar (and may be fews samples too)
Cheers !
fantastic hit single...I don't take a stand because of bass, so I like it in total sound ...:-)
typical Indieground...creative, fusion-like, bombastic music...but it is also true that you haven't written such a hit yet ...:-)
I feel like unstableonthetrack pretty much nailed any discussion about the bass. The percussion is pretty cool. The section from 1:18 - 1:45 is very nice.
I like the idea and execution. I do not however like the way the low end/bass feels.. I feel like there's an entire range from 150 down that is empty and wanting. There was multiple points in the song you had a break and when you came back in I wanted the bass to tear me to pieces, but a soft 808 hits and it's almost depressing.. Very good switch ups, transitions, and ideas, but like I said, it feels like it's lacking some serious bass/punch and the mid range feels a little virgin.
Description : Hey guys! Something different this time. I pulled from my teenage angst for this. As well as listening to a lot of indie artists, Ryan caraveo being my favorite. Let me know what you guys think! I know this one isn't going to be too popular but hope you guys like it! I feel like it might be a little bass heavy but tell me what you guys think!
Description : To me this sounds like a late night jam when everyone in the band but the drummer is half toasted and things could fall apart any second. Funnily enough that's pretty much what it is only I'm the band. One take on guitars vocals and bass, minimal edits. Could be a complete mess could be not. Either way happy if you let me know.
Description : This track is a collaboration with another Looperman member, Salve Clements, a very talented vocalist from Australia. Salve wrote the lyrics and composed and recorded the vocal melody and lyrics.
In working on the mix, I simply wasn’t able to achieve a proper balance in the overall sound. So, I got some help from Wytse Gerichhausen of White Sea Studio in the Netherlands. He was able to fix the problems I had created and got it sounding the way I had hoped it would.
Description : sticking with Cyberflares, hope this is a surprise Robin, as an artist i believe certain tracks are made for you and this is one off them
his track Smacking Hard he posted as rap,
bro this was so more powerful than rap, this smacks hard :))
Description : You need some emotions? Then you are just right here! I am not sure what kind of feelings you will get but i am sure you will get some intense ones. -- Older track that some how got lost in the looperversum. But here it is again --
Description : In 2017 my little cousin took his own life. My entire family blamed themselves for it. Never questioning what he was going through or what he may have been feeling. For a long time, I wanted to create a song where I put myself in the shoes of someone hurting. This song has a long way to go before it's finished. I wanted to share what I have thus far in hopes it inspires me to finish it.
Description : Now out as part of an EP on Spotify, iTunes and all the other ones. Thanks for all your encouragement, it means the world to me!
This particular poem consists of two 1000 year old Japanese "renga", short "word flowers" about the autumn rains. They inspired me... and I hope you will like them too.
Description : found a couple loops by bradosanz and made an indie rock track. let me know what you think in the comments, especially ways i could improve it or if you like it. thanks!
Description : I tried an indie rock / songwriter etc. track, trying new genres.
Haven't posted in a while but just wanted to hear feedback here!
It's also out of Spotify and YouTube and Apple Music and Soundcloud for anyone who wants to listen.
Description : Made this a few months back but just added some vocals - well a few different ones : )
Like the sound but as track it still lacks a bit of structure
Feedback welcome
And you're right i like diversity (which is a financial disaster in music bizness ha !) but i also like to keep in mind that those tracks could be done live with a bass, drum and guitar (and may be fews samples too)
Cheers !
typical Indieground...creative, fusion-like, bombastic music...but it is also true that you haven't written such a hit yet ...:-)
handshake, Danke
thx for the kind words Danke appreciate
I may add some guitar at some point but i like the idea of the soft 808 hit i'll think of it