Description : 'Nowhere to go'. It could mean many things simultaneously. Is it a feeling of despair or is it devotion, is it both? Have a pleasant listen. I really do not know what's the genre that fits best to this song. I'll ask your opinion on this. The main sequencing was done in zenbeats by Roland.
This chill out track was uploaded by AnthonyAttard. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (19)
If you have time take a listen and give AnthonyAttard some feedback.
Thank you Richard
It is a real pleasure to know you liked the tune. If you think that it is an impressive song, then this is very good. As always, then even better !
Wish you well, Anthony.
Thank you so much for visiting to listen to my music. I am glad you liked the song. Hopefully I'll visit back to listen more of your works.
Best wishes, Anthony
Well the track was made in zenbeats by Roland, so I used the zenology vst, the ZC1, JUNO-60, AAS (bass factory) and Bass Engine CM, Electrokeys, ZR1 Drums and AAS BLUE RYTHMS Strum GS-2 soundpack. It has been my fault to check Cubase as the DAW I used. It is because I usually do things in both of them. Thank you for listening to my music and posting your comments.
Best regards, Anthony.
Geia sou aderfe....thank you so much for your thoughts...where is your new one? As a great fan of your music I am so curious about the opinion of the members of LM. I am really glad you liked this one, still trying to achieve an accepted level of sound quality...but it is so difficult when it comes from a simple home set up. Anyway it is very amusing and creative, it is an awesome hobby.
Take good care and upload your new song !!
Thank you Rita,
It is so glad to know you liked my music. As it seems I almost constantly mix genres and that is because I rely on my spontaneous feeling. I do not follow certain forms, something that might not be a good thing in some cases or it might help in other ones. Anyway I really feel good when I make music, it is my protection to everyday stress and difficulties.
I wish you well, Anthony.
Hello there
thanks a lot for listening to my music and for posting your comment. I really do not know if it is cluddered to your ears due to the orchestration (too many instruments.....this is something I do sometimes..) or the mixing of the instruments (do you think there are a lot of overlaps and frequencies overloaded, if I can use this term). I like the fact you find all these styles in my music, it is probably the various influences I carry through years.
Best regards, Anthony.
Anthony, I believe there may have been a misunderstanding in translation. I liked the song quite a bit. What I described was my interpretation of the song. As if the song was about someone who was bored with "nowhere to go". When I listened to your song, I imagined someone in a room that was watching the aquarium and spider because HE was bored.
I wasn't bored at all. I enjoyed your work!
Thanks a lot V, please do not worry. I do appreciate the fact that you spend your time on my music. Your opinion is significant for understanding my music and that is why it's so much welcomed. I am glad though you didn't get bored, it is better this way.
Have a nice evening!
Awesome production. I love the old-school vibe. The progression reminds me of Imagination's Just An Illusion, Francesco Digilio's remix, and a little bit of Simply Red's Holding Back the Years. This right here is timeless music.
Thank you so much for your kind comment. It is so difficult to achieve the outstanding musical quality of the two songs you are referring to. I am glad that some notes of mine made you recall these tracks. I wish I could make a song to be remembered. Not an easy task at all !
My best wishes, Anthony.
Anthony, hello.
To me, the "Nowhere to go" is about boredom and complacency. I imagine someone sitting in a room with nothing to do, or anywhere to be. The instruments are all things that are happening in the room that he doesn't even notice anymore. For example, the clock ticking on the wall, the fish in the aquarium, the TV sitting in the corner with a late night commercial playing in the background, that spider up on the ceiling making a web. He's just sitting there tapping his fingers on the table saying, "nowhere to go" because he's bored.
That's my take on it, anyhow.
Either way...what a cool track. It kind of reminds me of something you might hear on a B-side from the late 70s or early 80s. Excellent work.
Take care.
Hello Aaron
I cannot disagree with you if it felt boring , it is that for you. Of course I did not have such an intention when making this piece. Thinks happen though, so why not boredom ? You describe it fairly fantastic, I liked the fish in the aquarium and the spider making the have been a movie director...It is unpleasant to know you did not like it, but this is part of the game. Next time it may be different. Thank you for it was a sincere comment.
Best wishes, Anthony
Hello Anthony,this is yet another song that I have really enjoyed listening to and will definitely listen to many more times! It impresses with a great, well-thought-out arrangement and wonderful drive with a very beautiful musical arc! The idea of incorporating this male voice at specific and appropriate points is also excellent. Wonderful drive paired with harmonious melodies! A song that I simply like! Great!
Best regards, Manuela
Hello Manuela,
thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. It is a real boost to my willing to make music. As a creator you do understand how important it is for your creation to be liked.
It is almost an addiction to read such beautiful thoughts, but since life goes by, I excuse myself and I permit to me this addiction.
My best regards, Anthony
Hello AnthonyAttard, i think it fits into the chillout category pretty well. Its a nice laidback track and has a lot of cool character added in with the spoken vocals.....well done my friend.
Hello to you too
I see you agree with the chillout categorization, that is positive. If it felt laidback, it's positive too. I do feel content because it reaches you this way.
My best wishes, Anthony
I know what Kay0s would do, lol - turn this into a song about a traffic jam - 'can't turn left, can't turn right', lol. What do you do? You are stuck there - maybe you play audios to learn a language, maybe you start composing a song, maybe you phone all your friends...I really enjoyed the tune and the beat. Kay0s
Hello Kay
it is obvious to me by now, you are a person with such a creative fantasy. A traffic jam, why not? Better simple, every day worries than dilemmas and heavy rain. I do agree with your point.
Many thanks .
Best wishes, Anthony
Hello there
I see you agree with chill and you add reggae and funk. What's really good is that you enjoyed the listen, that is so positive.
Many thanks.
Best regards, Anthony
Hello BaoBou, I too liked the bass. It just "appeared" to my fingers and it proved to be effective. I mean it really sounds nice to my ears and it gives the feeling I wanted it to give to the music. Thanks a lot.
Best regards, Anthony
Thank you Jonathan
it is so good to know it feels like nice work and I also like it a bit of old school downtempo trip hop. Really good feeling.
Best wishes, Anthony
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So if your interested to try something contact me
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Description : This is a pretty chill track with a certain vibe. I really enjoyed making it.
Hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think, any feedback is appreciated.
It is a real pleasure to know you liked the tune. If you think that it is an impressive song, then this is very good. As always, then even better !
Wish you well, Anthony.
My best regards, Anthony
My best regards, Anthony
Best wishes, Anthony
Best regards, Anthony.
Best regards, Anthony
Take good care and upload your new song !!
It is so glad to know you liked my music. As it seems I almost constantly mix genres and that is because I rely on my spontaneous feeling. I do not follow certain forms, something that might not be a good thing in some cases or it might help in other ones. Anyway I really feel good when I make music, it is my protection to everyday stress and difficulties.
I wish you well, Anthony.
thanks a lot for listening to my music and for posting your comment. I really do not know if it is cluddered to your ears due to the orchestration (too many instruments.....this is something I do sometimes..) or the mixing of the instruments (do you think there are a lot of overlaps and frequencies overloaded, if I can use this term). I like the fact you find all these styles in my music, it is probably the various influences I carry through years.
Best regards, Anthony.
I wasn't bored at all. I enjoyed your work!
Have a nice evening!
My best wishes, Anthony.
To me, the "Nowhere to go" is about boredom and complacency. I imagine someone sitting in a room with nothing to do, or anywhere to be. The instruments are all things that are happening in the room that he doesn't even notice anymore. For example, the clock ticking on the wall, the fish in the aquarium, the TV sitting in the corner with a late night commercial playing in the background, that spider up on the ceiling making a web. He's just sitting there tapping his fingers on the table saying, "nowhere to go" because he's bored.
That's my take on it, anyhow.
Either way...what a cool track. It kind of reminds me of something you might hear on a B-side from the late 70s or early 80s. Excellent work.
Take care.
I cannot disagree with you if it felt boring , it is that for you. Of course I did not have such an intention when making this piece. Thinks happen though, so why not boredom ? You describe it fairly fantastic, I liked the fish in the aquarium and the spider making the have been a movie director...It is unpleasant to know you did not like it, but this is part of the game. Next time it may be different. Thank you for it was a sincere comment.
Best wishes, Anthony
Best regards, Manuela
thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. It is a real boost to my willing to make music. As a creator you do understand how important it is for your creation to be liked.
It is almost an addiction to read such beautiful thoughts, but since life goes by, I excuse myself and I permit to me this addiction.
My best regards, Anthony
I see you agree with the chillout categorization, that is positive. If it felt laidback, it's positive too. I do feel content because it reaches you this way.
My best wishes, Anthony
it is obvious to me by now, you are a person with such a creative fantasy. A traffic jam, why not? Better simple, every day worries than dilemmas and heavy rain. I do agree with your point.
Many thanks .
Best wishes, Anthony
this is a cool track has a chill reggae funk feel to it i enjoyed my listen :)
I see you agree with chill and you add reggae and funk. What's really good is that you enjoyed the listen, that is so positive.
Many thanks.
Best regards, Anthony
Best regards, Anthony
it is so good to know it feels like nice work and I also like it a bit of old school downtempo trip hop. Really good feeling.
Best wishes, Anthony