Description : Moorlough Mischief and Ire (featuring nabilkhazzaka) - perhaps the final version.
Added missing verse from nabilkhazza's `pella and found a better synch for everything. Changed the arrangement with this version considerably.
Featuring loops by psychotropic circle, SLAPJOHNSON, bosonHavoc, DUCE132, DJAbyss and 'deleted account 216244.
Recorded with Ableton Live 7 LE as a live recording. Take 37? lol.
Final Draft? Version 3 - dropped the vocal level as suggested by Salook. Solid advice, that - thanks! Any others?
This fusion track was uploaded by n0mad23. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (26)
If you have time take a listen and give n0mad23 some feedback.
I am in total awe of the music you do, totally full of feeling that takes you on a journey everytime, excellent beat and vocal is stunning for this type of track, keeping the track really moving along nicely with the beat, liking the percussion, hey what is there not to like, another masterpiece my friend, again thank you for sharing great talent, another fav coming...Peace n Upmost Respect Sean...Estefano...
Feel the need to leave a comment once again, man this track just moves me physically, possibly my favourite n0mad23 track on the loop and it is so hard to pick a favourite but each time i listen to this on and off the loop it just overwhelms me, this track has power and gives strength to the listener, well this listener anyway. i am feeling fearless right now. a brave and conquering piece of music.
This review inspired me to layout a playlist of the current project, and it feels like it's happening! In the larger context, this song really works well. I'm really glad you dig this one, as it's certainly one of the more subversive grooves!
Nice! I hadn't heard that at all in this until reading your review here. Wow. There's a hidden history about the musical influence of the Irish in the Caribbean and naturally the Native American influence is equally neglected. I think your on to something - and it reinforces one of the best aspects of music and musicians - we tend to roll around together and mix it up. Thanks for that!
Sector7even - this one really was a happy accident at the launch. The rhythms I was constructing juxtaposed with the Irish ballad to me shouldn't work - but it wanted to! Lots of trial and error and experimentation, it really does. What a trip, huh? Funny I feel exactly that way too with this one. Cheers.
Hi BigReeg - First welcome to the site. Big time fortuitous discovery, and in my estimation the best site like this around. Thanks for the listen and review, and alerting me to your presence! I'll be checking out your page to see if you've got tracks up yet. Cheers.
It was an "unnatural" marriage to be sure - lol! This actually took several attempts to get the music and vocals working together, and then several more attempts to make them sound right together. The result - why hasn't this been done before? I'm actually coming to grips with the fact that the Irish and African slaves together created the foundation that later became the Delta Blues. Thanks for the review and thumbs up! Will be by to check out your tracks.
This is a funny track and doesn't lend itself to ambivalence in the audience. People either seem to love this or hate it, but indifference just isn't there. I may come back to it again, but at this stage I just want to create more, you know? Thanks for all you do for me.
mmmmmh ... this is what I call "hypnotic" ...
that bassline is almost magnetic!
it's pretty rare to hear a track where the word "dope" fits so perfect than for this one ... ;-)
awesome work!!!
no weak points ... not at all ...
rei - when I joined this site and started playing with loops I put up my first tracks as "Trance" because of their hypnotic quality. I'm glad I can still create this mental/emotional space with my work. I'm delighted and flattered that you improve! And I'm really delighted to see you've got more tracks up! Will be listening and reviewing more of yours shortly! Thanks much for the listen and review.
ah the master returns, reminds of something eno byrne might have done, not that it resembles , but that sort of vocal meets the awesome rythym going on, well done master!! (hehe) always enjoy your work, gives me creativity to experiment, cheers!
Experimentation is so much fun! If I'm giving you license then run with it. Thanks for the listen and review friend. I'll be swinging by to see your latest offerings next. Cheers.
Hi Sean,
Your style is definitely unique.Your tracks are deeply "earthly" and human and still they seem to carry me to a very special and different place.This one is certainly among my favourite from you.
Great music
Merci. Un favori personnels auprès de vous est un grand honneur et je voulais rÃÂpondre dans le même esprit. S'il vous plaÃÂt pardonnez mon fossilisÃÂs et inadÃÂquate Français.
I feel the same way about your music, and why I love it so much. You really do have your own signature sound.
Thanks for the kind review and adding this one to your favorites! Cheers - Sean
wow this is epic. nice job i like the whole breakdown, it starts good from the very first note and continues to expand. nice vocal sample, i really enjoy the synths as well, and it is very trippy. nice trip you put me on.
Thanks. Constructive criticism played heavily in getting this one to this point, but I'm largely satisfied with it. I'm considering doing a "Music to Have a Rebellion To" project, and I think this one will have to go on it. Cheers.
Heya profplum - glad you approve. I think Irish ballads lend themselves well to a certain form of tribalism, but didn't realize it until making this track. Cheers.
I usually can't wrap my head around these fusion type tracks enough to enjoy them, but this is an exception. I like how everything works well together. If it were me, I would try dropping that really high synth or string sound, I can't tell what it is, a fifth or a full octave. It just sounds annoying in the rest of the mix, just my opinion. I think if it were lower in register it would flow better and maybe work as a slight counter melody to the voice. Keep it up though, I like your style.
Hey Marius9 - you know, I hadn't even considered this...thanks for the suggestion, and I'll certainly give it a spin and see how it takes. That's the great part of this for me, the suggestions that wouldn't be considered otherwise. A counter melody just might smooth the tension a little more in this one - but I'll be careful not take it out altogether. I like how it feels somehow rebellious in this version. Thanks for the listen and review! Cheers.
this is very kool brother.. got a trippy primal scream feel to it... or early chemical brothers..a solid track with it roots in the 90's electro loved the vocals.. theres some very nice production going on here.. always liked your stuff haven't listened to much since I've been back here on looperman.. gonna check out some more when I get time.. keep 'em coming brother
I wasn't aware you were away, which says something about the volume of traffic here, doesn't it? First, welcome back brother! Second, thanks for the encouraging words on this one, and I look forward to your feedback on others. I'll certainly be visiting your music again, sooner than later! Cheers.
OMG, now we're talking. I can take a little Irish in my coffee, but usually not in my music. You, however, have made me rethink that anti-Irish position. I teach movement classes and could definitely see us exploring/experimenting to this. Incredibly interesting layers. Primal and ethereal, simultaneously. I didn't hear the other versions, but this one is glorious.
Welcome fellow Cascadian! It's a weird track (but Fusion nonetheless - lol) and to me still shouldn't work. The juxtaposition is just too awkward. But it does work somehow (I suspect a non-native English singer helps) and I feel really good about this version. Thanks for the review!
Hey Kid Khaos, you're right up the road from me. Suddenly wondering if you might know my friend Judd as he's been spinning turntables about the same time span as you. Glad you liked this one, though it's not representative of my other work. I'll be checking out your tracks next. Cheers.
Be careful around well played bag-pipes - you might have the urge to pull a broad sword and start a rebellion! Thanks for the review and the fave, ShojoBeasty!
Cheers! I think alividlife's "Pseudo" makes it seem unique, even though everything's grounded in some sort of tradition. I'm thinking Celtic Fusion's a genre that's been dying to happen.
Hey n0mad, what strikes me first above everything is the great use of delay to create some nice space in both the instruments and the vocals. Very nice work there. Not much else to say honestly. Just a great track!
Hey siensystem - thanks for the thumbs up. If anyone understands the creation of sonic space, it would be you! This is a strange piece (for me as the creator), and I'm still struck by how it seems to work. I think you've articulated why - it's in the dancing delay where everything weaves together. Thanks for the review, and I'll be by today to respond in kind. Cheers.
Hey Sean....Very cool! there's an undeniable earthiness running through this piece..totem grooves,shell fragments from old cooking fires,soot and sex...all the fragments that make for a human experience..electric tribalism.
The levels sound very good to me,I'm listen at a moderate volume level and I can't fault the flow and throb that's happening, almost an out of phase works very well,and has good cohesion throughout..if I was to get really picky and pedantic(something I try and avoid but unfortunately it seems part of my nature,and you have'd include some small melodic motif in a set outro to finish,a small arpeggio or something that finishes with a very long tailed reverb and delay......a great track!definitely high in the appreciation stakes from a listener's can't do more than that...cheers Dave
Prophetic Dave. I've actually got a couple of remix versions of this one already on the table. I'm dropping the vocals altogether and adding MIDI melody and harmony from Foggy Bottom. Naturally, the effects stacks are so high you could get a nosebleed from up there. Anyway, the dynamic really changes and I'll shoot you an email so you can hear your suggestions in track form. Thanks for the encouragement and kind words. It's a good thing having you as an ally. Cheers.
Hey Sean, still sounding really wicked, i see there is a lot more attention to the vocals which i feel are overpowering but they are a poignant part of the track.
I like all these new additions considering the verse followed by the Banshee, its nice to hear more of that, yeah great new structure.
I am never one to criticize someone else's music whose work i admire, but i feel there is still work needed on the vocals considering levels, they do seem a lot louder and some of the beats i feel get masked in some parts.
This is still a great track but i feel this rebel can be more disciplined.
Stephen, you were totally right on the call regarding the vocal level. I've gone back in and addressed this, and think the beats are sounding a lot better because of it. Well called friend. Thanks again!
Wow this is like Earth meets Harlem meets Sting meets however awesome is that vocal. Wow - DAMN you are still the sweet music that is both the weirdest thing i've ever heard while still totally founded in the fundamentals.
LOVE THIS. I was feeling a little out of here, and somehow this brought me a lot of clarity bro!!
CalifKen, strange that something so weird works isn't it? Still is freaking me out, but I've submitted to the process. I've dropped the vocal levels since this review, and I'm feeling it's working better. Thanks for the listen friend.
Hey Sean been checking your page out regularly looking for new music and here it is in the form of a mind blowing track.
This is just purely awesome, the sound of the totems with a yearning for the old country.
I love the drop and rise in the bassline along with your beats which give it some hip hop sensibilities, great work on the vocals each pan complimenting one another.
That rising glockenspiel type sound at the beginning which makes itself apparent again throughout the track is just inspiring and adds alot to the track.
Man, i aint heard nothing like this in my life, you really push the boundaries of music with your style.
As a first draft i am excited to see where you take this one.
Brilliant Sean, this has been well worth the wait.
(Edit) this track after a few halfs is a different kettle of fish and is moving the u got us dancing!
Stephen, oiy! Looks like you've got new tracks up that have slipped right by me. Guess that's what happens when I take time away from the site - soon to be rectified!
I only started this one about 4 days ago, and mostly as a way out of my frustration from the writing I've been doing. The first WTF? moment I had with it is when I realized that it's something worth pursuing. I really like the contrast of the Hip Hop sensibility to the Irish Tragedy/proto-Blues vibe of the vocals - it's unexpected and surprising on several levels.
"Yearnings for the old country..." I wonder if this is why I want to drop my suspenders and quest for a brawl sometimes when I listen to this piece? lol. Even a wee dram doesn't dispel the urge.
The glockenspiel sounding bit is from "deleted account 216244" and I'm sure glad I snagged that one when I did! I think the next version will include a bit more of this loop as I really like how it plays to the vocals.
Glad you approve of the first draft. I'm curious to where this one leads. Cheers.
Once again, your instinctual feel for the earthy beat and sounds carry this unique blend of genres to another level. Hip hop? Not too sure about that in a strict sense of the genre but there are a lot of influences here, maybe putting it more in the fusion genre I would guess, celtic even but we don't have that here.
Nice to hear the a capella, fits great, liked the delay. Enjoyed the vibes as well.
I used Psychotropic circle's Hip Hop bass loop to drive this one, which is the principal reason that I've designated it as such.
One of the things I've been reading about with music lately is Hip Hop's ability to absorb other genres which is what I'm attempting here. I think maybe using both "Funk" and "Reggae Dub" drum loops might have pushed the boundaries a bit. Certainly the Celtic Ballad challenges the genre even further.
How much absorption is actually possible?
Great fun experimenting with this one! Thanks for the review - and the Fave!
hah, I love that accapella!
I remember throwing it down on some crazy industrial mess.
I like your rhythm...
Intoxicating is the thought....
I was looking thru some books, because I remember seeing the chord structure for the song.. err the traditional Celtic/Irish ballad that it is... (sorry for pissing off any red heads lol)
I know there's huge differences.. it must be celtic....
I think that could be an interesting concept to think about.. You could take the traditional song structure of the folk song, and then try an compliment the chill groove with some kinda raspy representation of the original composition..
just a thought...
It is like pseudo ... Trance, Ethnic, Hip-hop, folk.
Love it man.. Especially the banshee singing at the end. Really kinda ties into the story.
Say, how would you like to do some electric guitar work here? I'd love to hear the melody line in a howling drone - like with an ebow, or at least without attack on the notes.
To me, this track's got serious "wtf?" happening - and even my expectations are shaken by it. It's still draft #1, so we'll see where it goes by the time it gets done.
Glad you're around - somehow the site feels a whole lot friendlier with your presence here.
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Cheers! :D
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Description : hi guys this is my biggest production so far all the music and beats were written by me and all played by me on my midi keyboard
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listen with a headset close your eyes look at it as a private consultation from me, shed a tear if you have to it starts with you
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Do give it a try.
And do comment/like/share.
Description : This track contains only free loops downloaded from and, furthermore several loops from looperman artists - listed below.
Hope you will enjoy it.
Applied loops:
Danke : 0671112-0057227 (i think so), 0671112-0064444 (touch of the wind),
Sakura : 0036530-0000930 (drawn),
Tumbleweed : 0498019-0068258 (babylon 8 pad),
Apokapbeatz : 0287197-0020417 (harp sample 1) ,
Planetjazzbass : 0111346-0029497 (voices 2), 0111346-0029496 (voices 1),
Waper : 0334474-0048653 (strings 2),
Deejayroo : 0318145-0043939 (classical ending),
Megapaul : 0448131-0065840 (the waterpope 140BPM E),
Thehumps : (Sad D minor 1 Verse - 150 bpm) - download from stayonbeat. :S
Description : Now on youtube:, soon out on my upcoming album "Step by Step"!
Inspired by a track of Pseudoble. I was noodling along to his track "I wish I didn't know" (which is awesome) and had the words "Snow in Athens" in my head. This with the smooth jazz/fusion atmosphere led me to this track with a sort of Steely Dan feel.
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After a quite turbulent long travel we’ve reached a totally unknown planet which is mostly covered with clouds. As we pass over it we can see parts of rivers through the clouds that come out of the dark rocky surface in some places. So the whole scene is alternating textures of white, dark gray and silver flashes. Unfortunately there’s no chance to land anywhere so we just pass, wonder and travel on …
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Music: Micky
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Description : Real acoustic, electric and bass guitars played by me. Drums are loops and programmed MIDI. Played piano and synths. Lots of layers and delay. A gated moog, organ, my recorded finger-snaps and a reversed bass guitar effect that sounds like throat-singing. Three movements, divided by moments of calm. Thoughts and feedback are welcome.
I am in total awe of the music you do, totally full of feeling that takes you on a journey everytime, excellent beat and vocal is stunning for this type of track, keeping the track really moving along nicely with the beat, liking the percussion, hey what is there not to like, another masterpiece my friend, again thank you for sharing great talent, another fav coming...Peace n Upmost Respect Sean...Estefano...
i think rei and dave summed it up.
this is great.levels are perfect and vox is spot on buddy.
I must shake your hand before I die.
This is amazing. You mixed techno and celtic folk.. and you did it effortlessly!
big bass drops
This is a funny track and doesn't lend itself to ambivalence in the audience. People either seem to love this or hate it, but indifference just isn't there. I may come back to it again, but at this stage I just want to create more, you know? Thanks for all you do for me.
that bassline is almost magnetic!
it's pretty rare to hear a track where the word "dope" fits so perfect than for this one ... ;-)
awesome work!!!
no weak points ... not at all ...
peace, rei
Your style is definitely unique.Your tracks are deeply "earthly" and human and still they seem to carry me to a very special and different place.This one is certainly among my favourite from you.
Great music
Merci. Un favori personnels auprès de vous est un grand honneur et je voulais rÃÂpondre dans le même esprit. S'il vous plaÃÂt pardonnez mon fossilisÃÂs et inadÃÂquate Français.
I feel the same way about your music, and why I love it so much. You really do have your own signature sound.
Thanks for the kind review and adding this one to your favorites! Cheers - Sean
Kid Khaos
The levels sound very good to me,I'm listen at a moderate volume level and I can't fault the flow and throb that's happening, almost an out of phase works very well,and has good cohesion throughout..if I was to get really picky and pedantic(something I try and avoid but unfortunately it seems part of my nature,and you have'd include some small melodic motif in a set outro to finish,a small arpeggio or something that finishes with a very long tailed reverb and delay......a great track!definitely high in the appreciation stakes from a listener's can't do more than that...cheers Dave
I like all these new additions considering the verse followed by the Banshee, its nice to hear more of that, yeah great new structure.
I am never one to criticize someone else's music whose work i admire, but i feel there is still work needed on the vocals considering levels, they do seem a lot louder and some of the beats i feel get masked in some parts.
This is still a great track but i feel this rebel can be more disciplined.
I am sure you will crack this egg, great work.
Wow this is like Earth meets Harlem meets Sting meets however awesome is that vocal. Wow - DAMN you are still the sweet music that is both the weirdest thing i've ever heard while still totally founded in the fundamentals.
LOVE THIS. I was feeling a little out of here, and somehow this brought me a lot of clarity bro!!
This is just purely awesome, the sound of the totems with a yearning for the old country.
I love the drop and rise in the bassline along with your beats which give it some hip hop sensibilities, great work on the vocals each pan complimenting one another.
That rising glockenspiel type sound at the beginning which makes itself apparent again throughout the track is just inspiring and adds alot to the track.
Man, i aint heard nothing like this in my life, you really push the boundaries of music with your style.
As a first draft i am excited to see where you take this one.
Brilliant Sean, this has been well worth the wait.
(Edit) this track after a few halfs is a different kettle of fish and is moving the u got us dancing!
I only started this one about 4 days ago, and mostly as a way out of my frustration from the writing I've been doing. The first WTF? moment I had with it is when I realized that it's something worth pursuing. I really like the contrast of the Hip Hop sensibility to the Irish Tragedy/proto-Blues vibe of the vocals - it's unexpected and surprising on several levels.
"Yearnings for the old country..." I wonder if this is why I want to drop my suspenders and quest for a brawl sometimes when I listen to this piece? lol. Even a wee dram doesn't dispel the urge.
The glockenspiel sounding bit is from "deleted account 216244" and I'm sure glad I snagged that one when I did! I think the next version will include a bit more of this loop as I really like how it plays to the vocals.
Glad you approve of the first draft. I'm curious to where this one leads. Cheers.
Great singer! ;-) Yeah, I love the banshee aswell! Nice groove!
Nice to hear the a capella, fits great, liked the delay. Enjoyed the vibes as well.
Great stuff, nice mix!
One of the things I've been reading about with music lately is Hip Hop's ability to absorb other genres which is what I'm attempting here. I think maybe using both "Funk" and "Reggae Dub" drum loops might have pushed the boundaries a bit. Certainly the Celtic Ballad challenges the genre even further.
How much absorption is actually possible?
Great fun experimenting with this one! Thanks for the review - and the Fave!
I remember throwing it down on some crazy industrial mess.
I like your rhythm...
Intoxicating is the thought....
I was looking thru some books, because I remember seeing the chord structure for the song.. err the traditional Celtic/Irish ballad that it is... (sorry for pissing off any red heads lol)
I know there's huge differences.. it must be celtic....
I think that could be an interesting concept to think about.. You could take the traditional song structure of the folk song, and then try an compliment the chill groove with some kinda raspy representation of the original composition..
just a thought...
It is like pseudo ... Trance, Ethnic, Hip-hop, folk.
Love it man.. Especially the banshee singing at the end. Really kinda ties into the story.
Sorry I have been a dork!
To me, this track's got serious "wtf?" happening - and even my expectations are shaken by it. It's still draft #1, so we'll see where it goes by the time it gets done.
Glad you're around - somehow the site feels a whole lot friendlier with your presence here.