Description : Final Draft (?) - Recorded in two sets with Ableton Live 7 LE. Ten tracks and 120 clips consolidated into 6 and then rerecorded while playing to the urban sound effects.
jahknow sent me some loops a few months ago, and I've come back to them again and again without any satisfaction. In rethinking my approach, I've got something that's now becoming interesting.
An Ecstatic Anthem for an imaginary Hashishim - This is all about being joyful in acts of creative destruction.
Loops from jahknow, rei4real, ultrabase, DJatro, and DanWilson - so there's a couple of victims here that are new.
If you listen closely, there's a sonic narrative happening behind this all. The ravens and crows are a symbolic intervention, as the old term for a flock was "a murder." Resolution and meaning making lies with the audience.
This dub track was uploaded by n0mad23. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (46)
If you have time take a listen and give n0mad23 some feedback.
Hey, I got that reply in the end though may well not have seen it if I hadn't got the email notification of the reply. But I never got the reply regarding playing my tracks on your Loop radio show. Send it again if you've still got it.
"I seem to be more geared to doing soundtracks than songs, I'm afraid."
Same here though I haven't tried a lot of song-making as I need vocalists - a constant problem for me. So, I just go with far out instrumental - a lot like yourself.
I'm also "musically illiterate" in terms of music theory but can groove well and feel how sound should move and the various places a track could go (ie genres it could morph into).
"I do bang and pluck on things"
I thought you played a few instruments but maybe it's only hand drums. I can't fully remember. You do a great job if you don't play any instruments. There are a few people like that on this site.
Most of my synth stuff is programmed rather than played. I do play some parts but can do a surprisingly expressive and adventurous job just with drawing in data and constantly modifying it. I have a long, pure electro chillout far out track on here called Tiny Little Pieces that is almost exclusively drawn in using the mouse.
Anyway, your track is a very hypnotic, somewhat alternative take on dub. I'm not surprised people really like it.
Forget to check in here - sorry. Yeah, I play balaika, guitar, spike fiddles, etc. as well as the hand drums. I also do a bit on primitive flutes, but only well enough to add as punctuation or details. Forgot all about the email thing and will rectify that presently. Cheers.
for sure one of the best Dub traX I've ever heared .
innovative arrangemenT & considered smart idea about usage of those background sounds which makes this unique package rememberable & I reallY enjoyed.many thnX for sharing .respects & BesT wishes.___Behnam
Buried deep in the forums here is the abandoned Dub Logbook - much of my approach to the genre has been hugely influenced by the discussions on that thread. Really flattered by your response to it, and have made myself a note to check out your work in way or reciprocation. Glad you enjoyed this!
Thanks clindsay! Actually back when I was thinking about creating this, I had a email discussion with alividlife about sonic narratives, and attempted that with this one. So glad you picked up on it.
This track is wild as hell, has a rea live futuristic band feal to it, i love all the instruments and the progerssion, the wah wah guitar is amazing, everything is amazing, makes me want to ride my car and just zone out and be free. good job!
Ok I really wanted to comment, having scrolled down to the bottom of all those posts, and now will be at the top :) Sean, what is creative destruction? contradiction in terms springs to mind but I know about being joyful in a destructive act. Great piece of music however..! and will be playing it on the radio next chance i get ;)
It's metaphor (and words to live by). My take - the virgin parchment gets destroyed with the first kiss of ink as the epic poem begins to be created. Might as well do it with a smile! Glad you like this one. Cheers.
Listening to the first few minutes of this makes me think of a book written in such a way that you can turn to any page and pick up the story. Not sure if that makes any sense but I'm trying to describe the way the track sits and sort of doesn't really move anywhere but there's still lots of stuff going on.
I love that guitar and it seems to always be playing the same thing but doing different things at the same time. This is truly hypnotic music that feels like it could just be played on a loop forever.
I prefer things to change a lot more (and perhaps change things too often in my own music) but this works in its own, special hypnotic way.
Separately, you've got lots of interesting and in-depth comments on this so I guess it's inspired people to write more than just "Hey, nice track" or similar.
I seem to be more geared to doing soundtracks than songs, I'm afraid. Not sure what to make of that, except accept it for what it is. I'm actually both envious of "real musicians" (I do bang and pluck on things but being musically illiterate is a hindrance) and surprised that people seem to enjoy some of my offerings as much as they do.
So sorry for the huge delay in replying to your wonderful review here. I'm trying to ease myself back into this stuff.
Haven't see you on Looperman in ages so look forward to listening to this when I get the chance as I'm a fan of your stuff. I have very limited internet access right now and can look at the site at work but not listen!
A simply stunning piece of music that I could feel in my heart! I've listened to quite a bit of dub, reggae, ska over the years, and this one of the best pieces I've heard! I couldn't believe that this was loop based when I first heard it! Masterful arrangement and production!
I can't wait to listen to more of your work! Respect and peace my friend! Faved
Thanks for the listen and advice. I've been tempted to do a couple other version of this one, including one shorter. Nice to see someone validate it for me. Cheers.
Thanks Ioke! It used to have over a dozen more faves, but that's what happens when people delete their accounts. C'est la vie.
This is my only real attempt at a kind of Reggae flavored Dub track, but I think I'll try my hand at it again. A lot of fun to do. Thanks for the review, and for the fave!
going through your tracks, im vastly impressed by the tiniest intricacies that you include...the finite details you pay such close attention to, and the most minute levels and effects that pertain to every clip, loop, sample and moment...but i cant help feel that your tracks lack a certain driving force...they all seem to wander...and i find myself skipping through it to find some kind of hook, or drastic change to keep it interesting from start to finish...i think it serves as beautiful back ground music...which is a shame considering the vast attention to detail. i really enjoyed this track in particular tho...i closed my eyes and just kinda zoned out...great work, despite my constructive criticism.
I think what you're hearing and speaking to is exactly why I had never entertained doing this sort of work before. Honestly, I've never heard a solo album before that was as good as one by a band. I wonder if I did collaborations it would address this problem. Better than muzack, but ultimately really lacks something? Thanks for the honest and insightful review. You've really given me something to think about. Cheers.
My man! You're on my short list for checking out music from, so stay tuned for some reviews in kind! Thanks for the kind review, and I'm glad you can hear the "futurism" in this - it's something I was trying to do to give it location in time. Cheers.
I really liked the opening to this track, there seemed to be a sort of tribal atmosphere given off, the drums were nice and original, and I like the noise that came in at 0:57, I dont know why, and did I hear Refx slayers talkbox in the song? Anyway, this is certainly a good track, and when I lay back in my white plastic garden chair of death, I instantly felt relaxed, then had a heart attack as I almost fell over, but I can see myself listening to this one.
Nice track, I have added this one to my faviroutes.
I had to do something experimental for my own needs, and I'm happy how the intro sets up a particular mood for what follows. All the effects are from public domain field recordings (Paris, London, Berlin, Ouagadougou, Bamako, San Francisco, New York, etc.) that I spent a lot of time combing through and finding the right sounds to weave in. I'm sure I'll remix this at some point, and I'll be curious to see if it's liked as well. Thanks for the listen and review!
Somebodies been smoking a block then rewriting 'Goldfinger" (well a hint of the intro anyway! lol)..Jeez where do I start..I must say this is in the 'slot' rhythmically with that smoker friendly 'riddim' Jah is always on's got too much Detroit chrome in it (as in steel electric) to be solid reggae-tronic...which is fine with me,I like crossover music to be self sustaining and not plagiaristic..I must take issue with you in using rooks crowing..I just did that! lol and I'm sure our lawyers will be fighting over it for years...I like the way your music is going's like a woman who has a voluptuous figure but wears a one piece bathing suit..sophisticated and infinitely more sexy than a blatant display ala Bikini....Brilliant track!..cheers Dave :) an anecdote...hashish was always my preferred smoke..especially Chitrally Gold
I think this is now my all time favorite review! I love your analogy about a voluptuous woman in a one piece - brilliant and absolutely true. I think you're right about this one having feet in both worlds, too (not solid reggae) which for me is a sign of success. I'm afraid no hashish was abused in the making of this track (lol) but it certainly does burn the nose similarly if not carefully ingested. Cheers my friend!
killer bro. im really feelin this one. so much goin on its crazy. i love your effects and the way you use em to perfection. you have dub down to a science. we should change the name of that genre to nomad. hahahaha. keep it up bro. gotta another song for ya to check out if you get the time. its called hey shorty. check it out and let me know what you think. oh yea i know i told you once on the forum but i'll say it again, congrats on goin green. keep bangin bro.
I really dig this version. As eshar noted below, it's a bit "heavier" than the first draft but I think it gets what I want to get across better. Joyful creative destruction - got to destroy virgin parchment if you want to write a poem or draw a picture. After this one, I feeling a pull to do more along this line (Dub) and see if I can make it recognizable while doing my own thang simultaneously. I'll be by to check out your track when I can make the time. Thanks for the review.
really relaxing track n0m, listened to it and was sank into it more. it does have the dub feel to it and not too much of it. i great use of them natural sound elements.
loved it.
Hey brother moderator - glad you had a chance to hear this one. It really was a fun track to make, and turned out rather well. Thanks for the listen and review! Cheers.
Elaine was tellin' me that there was a disparity between the original demo, and then your uptodate take.
Of course personally, I think you have made gold from grace with this...
I don't know why but the crows make me want to cry...
I remember about 2 years ago.. I was talking about how all of looperman was a murder of crows...
I should send you that track...
lets see.... Delay is the thing.. I mean...
I am not saying this as a Negative comment.. but I just wanted to muse on it...
"What would you do without delay?!"
Personally, I think I would do my damndest to emulate it with picking and instrumentation.. but I would love to hear a dry mix sometime for my own sick twisted pleasure...
Hey Sean, can you feel the change,...?
I need to come up and see you very soon.
This is one of the most immersible pieces of music I have ever enjoyed.
My only complaint is that I couldn't have been there.
EDIT for everyone confused reading this next part lol
Agreed! I remember you musing on that a bit!
I know for me personally, and you could most definitely agree, that there's a certain substance known to man that somehow initiates that dub/reggae/jam feel?
I know what you know what I am talking about!
I remember, ... I know this is kinda bleh, but listening to stuff like Black Flag, and the Bad Brains... Punk rock jam bands.. and I started to get the idea of it...
And actually funny enough Bob Marley came very late to me in my life... The whole Kingston thing.. I mean... It's just...
what do you do with someone that is putting smoke in the air?
You give them art!
I feel nothing for the cats that watch tv, eat, and sleep.
But the dub/reggae/feeling... It's TOTALLY about what you mentioned in our dialogue... the fact that the mixer board INITIALLY emulated that delay feel because it was recording the monitor sounds....
that split second delay.
became delay... crazy it wasn't feedback lol
I do want to add this song is perfect by the way.. the cow freaked me out and the knife thing...
The things we do for art ehh?
Is it just a production technique?
or does it mirror something bigger within the art? (besides making segues sound badaaaasssss lol)
We could probably jive on this for hours.
You should be very proud. This is a piece of work I would show my kids kids (etc,etc)
How long did it take you to create?
or was it just pouring out of you?
Thanks for the timeliness of this review, Abe. Brilliant. I've been exchanging ideas with dungbeatl and jahknow recently about Dub, and this one's been lurking for like 6 months it's on my mind.
What would I do without delay? Just today I was thinking about those moments in music where my soul rang like a bell. For example, when I was 15 I discovered Bob Marley on some late night first-gen cable show. I wept. At that moment I realized why I'd never be truly satisfied with 1970's Rock.
Naturally I sought out Reggae religiously thereafter! When I heard The Clash drawing from it, it only validated what I'd suspected. The rotten thing was I was in small town Eastern Wa and none of my friends wanted anything to do with it. The honesty and sincerity of that early stuff really spoke to me.
In this same time period I saw a documentary about the Kingston recording industry. A lot of the "studios" were in fact living rooms crowded with the musicians, and an engineer in the kitchen with a hole knocked in the wall separating the rooms with a sledgehammer. In these recording sessions, a chillum was always being passed between the musicians, and one was always smoking, and two would pause in playing during the passing.
But the music never stopped! And the smokier the space was, the more that proto-dub came into play. That delay sound on the upstroked guitar string was a total simulation, using what? more and more damping with each stroke of the pick. Same with the snare and rim shots - an echo sound made to speak to the state of consciousness furthering the manipulation of our sense of time.
Yeah, without delay I'd figure out some way to imitate it. Even with delay, I do it anyway and you can hear that in my playing of the genggongs. I do this a lot with the didgeridoo, too and do pseudo-echoes because I have to!
Well thanks for both, then. Admittedly the mod thing's a two-edged sword, but I've got plenty experience wielding a red pen already. Isn't this site a great place?
Thanks my man! Pretty much a given though considering the quality of my palette here. We got rei4real and jahknow on guitars, jah on organ, and ultrabase on bass and DJatro (aka loopytunes) on drums (and me, too). Arrangement and dubbification was a blast having a virtual band like this to play with! Cheers.
lol - I'm no Scratch Perry myself, but have been listening to mighty fine dub a long time. It's a blast to try my hand at it, though I had to try something a little different, too. Yup, those are Pacific Northwest crows adding their voices to this one! Thanks for the listen and review!
wow. massive. big. dark. powerful dub. as a long time fan of dub music i can say with confidence that this is deffinatly one of my favorite pieces. well arranged and the sounds you used convey the storyline perfectly. i admire the work you did with the guitar loops. not a bad word form me brother. outstanding!
A gestation piece really - this is the result of playing with the same jahknow loops for 5 or 6 months until the Muse took me by the hand and down this path. Once it clicked, I knew. Thanks for both the favorable review and the fave! A major compliment!
it's great to see what happens when a creative and highly talented musician takes audio material and translates it into his own musical language ...
this is what you do!!
using loops can happen in different ways:
you can put them together without changing them and create good tracks ...
you can send them through filters and add a lot of effects to create something completely new far away from the original ...
that's all good ...
but you do something different in between:
you listen closely, you feel them, and you find out what is the strength of each loop you use ... this way you transform simple parts into a piece of art, somehow like a mosaic which is by far more than a nice arrangement of colorful little stones ... know what I mean???
tracks like this one tell me that it is right to give away some of my work for free, that means much more to me than earning a few bucks ... thank you!!
I'm so glad you approve of what I did with your guitar loops! As a performing musician, I really resisted this medium as I love the group dynamic - the many voices as one. I feel this is something loops can do now - to hear them as the "voice of a musician" and then find how they relate to each other. Sometimes when I'm making music like this (all live sessions, recorded as it plays) I feel like I'm playing with my guest musicians, only they are with me in spirit and not in the flesh.
And because of people like yourself who gift these amazing samples, the pallet at my disposal is truly awesome! That we participate and come together in a virtual community like this one actually gives me great optimism for humanity. My thanks goes also to you rei4real!
Krook - you have summed it up so well. You've also articulated my nervousness with this piece, and I hope my next attempt is even better! Crank it up, as I've yet to find the volume limit where it starts to sound bad. Thanks for the fave! Big time compliment with that.
What can I say that hasn't already been said, this is just great my friend, put together perfectly. Everything is just so right about this on all levels. I think your best work I've heard so far, very impressed with this!!
On "" there is a great talk about how a researcher, who studied crows, found out how smart crows are and how there social structure is so complex. Very smart birds them crows!! I read your reply to Anomelie's comments on crows and had to add my 2 cents!
Hey Wayne - it's been hard not responding with crow and raven stories with every review as I have so many! For example, their ability and need to play. Two winters ago, on one snowy day I watched 4 crows sliding down the neighbors roof on their backs. When they'd bump into and stop at the gutter, they'd flip over and fly back up to the top and do it again. I swear they were all giggling crow style the whole time.
This track actually took a long time, and I played with the original jahknow loops for over 5 months before it started to click. I agree with your assessment, and am a bit nervous as I feel I've raised the bar pretty high for myself with this one. But then again, in watching my own evolution with this medium, it's pretty obvious that each track is somehow better than the last. Learning curve still in effect. So glad you dig this one, and am delighted by your review. Thanks!
Did I tell you I was obsessed with crows for years, particularly this past year? I'm now exiting my crow phase, but _love_ hearing them in this. It's really difficult to work with bird calls and you do it brilliantly here.
I don't think this track could be better. So complex it can withstand infinite listens, and enough flow that I don't get stuck on any one sound. The sounds melt into each other and move the scene along. Truly gorgeous. Thank you for doing what you do!
Ha! I knew there was more than one reason I like you. Crows, ravens and I have an arrangement. Plenty respect to go around, and here at my home they get fed at least every weekend. Obviously I'm attempting to do many things at once with this track, and mostly feel I've pulled it off somehow. I wanted that uber-complexity without it becoming muddy in the process. I wanted to add the textures and deliberate techniques of Ambient without making it Ambient music. And I wanted to get a sound that carried a kind of joy in it. Good Dub grounded in Reggae does that for me, so that choice made sense. That yourself and others approve just gives me more license to "experiment within the bounds" - lol. Thanks!
I get this subliminal message that this track is telling me to feed rice to seagules. lol na, really this is not something I would normaly just listen to but randomly enjoy. The overall sound is superb. Puts me into a Hypnotic trance of paraylization.
and then the music stops.. and im like whoa...back to the normal world.
The forum thread called Ambient Logbook got me really thinking about consciously creating emotions in listeners - but I wanted to take that into something more compelling. Ambient music can be ignored, but "a Hypnotic trance of parallelization" can't be. Glad you enjoyed this.
Hello JoyfulWAVE - I actually spend most of my recording and experimentation time with headphones on. The headphones allow composing towards the "deep listening." I do spend considerable time working with my barely adequate sound system as well, as I want people to enjoy it regardless of what they're playing it through. To get the subs right requires dropping the headphones and listening otherwise - also, using the spectral analysis in the master channel of Ableton to see where the frequencies are is really helpful, too. Thanks for the review and fave! That's a big compliment, and most appreciated!
hey man i really like your songs, you have a very unique style that needs to be noticed. like the reverb on the drum track and the sounds in the beginning were entertaing. nice groove that comes in early in the song. it sounds like a bunch of people jamming out in the city street and then turns into a reggae bonanza of awesomeness.!!! like the guitar a lotttt!!!. can you help me out bro i need some input on this new song i uploaded called i can rap refined and it would be much appreciated. nice track ill review another one of yours!!
Hi! I was out of town until late last night, so didn't see this one until today. As soon as I'm done responding, I'm off to see if I can offer up some constructive criticism for you! I love this about this site - how people seeking to improve their art/craft can seek the aid of others and get significant feedback and advice. All 3 of my last tracks have really come together because of advice from my "intended audience." What a treat! So glad you like this one, and thanks much for the feedback!
yah mon! indeed, a common reaction obviously. this is the most ambient dub I think I've ever heard, the intro was so 3 dimensional that I thought I was in a documentary( and not about heavy ganja smokers either lol!)....faved sir and let me know if I can remix this in the future, it would be a blast!...
a salvo in a most excellent direction I might add too
I'm sure dungbeatl's "ambient logbook" thread is one of the most inspiring threads I've engaged here yet. It's allowed me to do some conscious examination and then translate that into the work I'm doing. My favorite Right Coast Brother - do you think Spring's bringing us both inspired creativity? You've certainly been doing some very interesting things as well lately. A remix of this is certainly a possibility, and you're the one I'd trust it to! Thanks for the listen and fave, Victor. Means a lot - truly.
Wow, what amazing dubbery!! (heh I made up a word) I love all the atmospheres that you use in your tracks, it really places the song in a setting which people can relate with. You're really good at using loops, I must say, because this doesn't sound like loop based music, it sounds fresh and original! This piece really sets my mind to trippin, or at least to travelling within the confines of my head. I have got to listen to that again... This is too cool! I love that organ sound, it's nice and bouncy! Well what else can I say that someone hasn't said already... Very good work my friend! Faved for sure!
You know, I think a lot of the sound comes from my always looking for analog samples to weave into my mixes - at least in terms of finding samples of analog instruments. The other strand is in using other peoples' loops I retain the sense of playing with others instead of playing by (with?) myself - lol. It requires listening not only to their sounds, but trying to hear the original intent as well. For example, in this track I'm using guitar loops from jahknow and rei4real and the interaction between the two really comes from me listening to what they can "say" to each other in a kind of call and response mode. Truly a blast to create this (even with the amount of work needed) and I'm so delighted it's translated into something listeners can enjoy as well. Thanks for the fave! It really makes me think I'm on the right path here. Cheers my friend!
Inspired creations lead to inspired listening? It is one of those tracks, isn't it? I love making music where at the end I can step back and say, "wow! Where the hell did that come from?" Glad you enjoyed this one. Cheers!
A nice groover to go with my morning coffee and an enjoyable listen. Dub is fast becoming quite popular on Looperman and the good thing is that each of the current exponents of it appear to accentuate different aspects of the form - Itegrator & JonesVZ highlight the Reggae element. Spivkurl fuses it with electronica while yours offers up oppidan insurrection! - Nice work.
I love that word - "oppidan." In my mind, I've been thinking a good musical project would be in focusing on how concepts and words are redefined to serve the masters. "Revolution" isn't about armed coups by juntas - Copernicus gave us the first one. "Anarchy" doesn't mean violence and chaos, it means that as social creatures we tend to organization without coercive force. I've been a fan of dub since the late 70's and it feels "right" somehow to be dancing with this sound currently. Sure am glad you approve! Thanks.
Excellent. A very balanced track despite the many elements gives an overall sound-scape that is captivating and demands the imagination take flight. Wicked bass line!
Hey Steevo! Yes, I was a bit concerned in putting this together that I might end up with something very muddy sounding by the end. I'm quite pleased with the outcome. Yes, that bass line is amazing (though somewhat altered) and I'm sure I'll be looking at more ultrabase bass loops after this! Thanks for the review!
[NOTE: This and all reviews below respond to Drafty draft #1]
Hey n0mad
mate this is stunning, darn the other reviewers have said everything I could even think about say about this stunning piece, again very high up to your normally production mate, so crisp and clear, ya really know what you are doing when it comes to arrangment and mastering, always first class, Fav'd this one my friend...Peace and happy easter to you and your family...Estefano...
Hi Estefano - I've really had a blast doing this one and have banged through 3 drafts in as many days. The final (hopefully) is now up, complete with urban soundscape and a hidden or implied narrative. Thanks for listening and reviewing! Cheers.
Yes!! as a fan and listener of n0mad23 this really is an exciting piece of work, i admire how you approach your music with a mind set of knowing beforehand that this is how it is going to be.
This for me is Ninja scroll meets dub, menacing with dark elements, its technicolor, music for graphic animation.
Listening to this really does put images into the mind, a wandering swordsman stumbles into a plague hit village, he's suspicious, the deaths seem mysterious, was it murder? it really gives a sense that something dangerous is afoot, this is cemented when swords are drawn and a showdown commences.
Great piece of dub music Sean, really does do something special for the listener, brilliant. thanks
I think our recent exchange about the hidden history of the Irish slaves and the Caribbean probably is a significant vector in this one. The hidden stories of resistance and moments of rebellion. I'll post the more controlled mix-down next, and then go into the final phase of weaving in soundscapes to bring it to completion. Stay tuned! Thanks for the review and fave!
Hey once again you delivered a track enriched with lots of atmosphere painting a mental image inside our mind!
Nice work man! Very interesting and special! Would fit perfectly in a soundtrack for a movie! Gives me the idea of walking through a long forest full of dark trees with the sunlight shining through them while crows and other animals hide in the shadows of this mysterious place! Keep up the good work!
Added to faves ;)
Hi DJsDragoN - I think you're right about it working in a soundtrack, and feel especially good about that as I was attempting a sublime narrative or story behind it. To my mind, that's what the best of soundtracks do. Thanks for the review and fave! No better form of compliment, and means a lot! Cheers!
Awesome track, I absolutely love everything about it. Your use os special effects is masterful. If we caqn find another 10 or 12 "crow tracks" we'll have a kick ass cd.
You know I'm just down the road, right? With the ravens and crows in this region, the real surprise is more of us aren't doing music and using their voices! Thanks for the review and fave! I'll definitely be listening to more of your offerings and if I think I can assist a track, I'll certainly let you know. Don't hesitate to ask either, OK? Cheers!
wow,you made that sunbass sound like a thunderstorm!i realy like the track as a whole,verry creative use of effects and sounds,storm steal and fire!when ever you need more bassloops i can create them for you.
cheers from the dubbase
My man, it was the Sunbass that finally got this track to happen. I've struggled for a long time with this song, and dungbeatl's criticism of the bass I'd used led me to finding yours! Only then did it begin to breathe on its own. Thanks for the invitation to hit you up for bass loops. I promise I'll take you up on it - lol! Thanks for the review and fave!
Hey Sean,
You know i never know how to finish my tracks and you seem to have found a radical way,lol.
One of my favourite tracks from you(do I say that everytime?lol.The guitar sound is really the kind I love and the arrangements are amazing as usual.Again,I get this feel of musical paintings when I listen to this one.
I was wondering if there's any mean I can buy your music.Just let me know
I've struggled with the end of tracks, too - and I was a bit worried that this one might come off as gimmicky. I love adding field recordings to my tracks, but it's a challenge. Need to make them serve the music instead of the other way around. With the "Ambient Logbook" thread, I'm realizing that regardless of genre I try to bring this approach to the mix. I believe this is the key to why my tracks seem like musical paintings. I so glad that you approve! Thanks.
Holy cow man! Blow my mind would you?! This was totally unexpected and I love it love it! You've captured something in this mix that is absolutely crucial. An underbelly riddim that just pulses with heartbeat. Very well spaced reverbs, delays, phasing etc. You've just impressed Jah MAJORLY with this dub.
If you get a chance rip a 320 mp3 for me and send it priority Jah Know reggae Dj. ;)
Well, the launching point and inspiration is from the loops you gifted me, so I'm hoping my "vision" is a nice surprise. I'm thrilled you hear that heartbeat riddim - it's one of the symbolic components as it's Life. Creation and destruction=right hand and left hand of life itself. Still drafty draft #1, but even I hear potential dripping red.
I love Dub. I mean really, really love Dub. I never imagined I'd make it dance for me - lol.
Yeah man, this is really chillin' my brains out! Great start and building up, the ending is also very good, i really like the beat and the organ-loop. Keep it up man!
Chillin' here is good, it means to me that the ambient fusion is working. Wanted to do Dub but shake it up a bit, and challenge some assumptions along the way. Yeah, I dig the intro and that slight ominous vibe that shifts into thick bass (subs shudder). Glad you like it! Thanks for the listen and review.
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This track is finished but i walays looking for any collab for a future track. Especially with vocalists. Contact me !
Description : Vocal Stem is available for download.
Place your verse in the middle and add any instruments you like to play. This is why I left so much space on the track.
Video and track stems are linked in my profile page. Click the avatar and grab hi-res files. :)
Have fun!
Description : Another song that stuck in my brain. This is my take on the song, In The End, by Linkin Park.
With other words, it´s just a cover, made by me.
Description : Chilled out ambient transcendental dub. Grab yo drank and grab some shrub.
Sit back, relax and spark it up and sip the drips from out ya cup.
"I seem to be more geared to doing soundtracks than songs, I'm afraid."
Same here though I haven't tried a lot of song-making as I need vocalists - a constant problem for me. So, I just go with far out instrumental - a lot like yourself.
I'm also "musically illiterate" in terms of music theory but can groove well and feel how sound should move and the various places a track could go (ie genres it could morph into).
"I do bang and pluck on things"
I thought you played a few instruments but maybe it's only hand drums. I can't fully remember. You do a great job if you don't play any instruments. There are a few people like that on this site.
Most of my synth stuff is programmed rather than played. I do play some parts but can do a surprisingly expressive and adventurous job just with drawing in data and constantly modifying it. I have a long, pure electro chillout far out track on here called Tiny Little Pieces that is almost exclusively drawn in using the mouse.
Anyway, your track is a very hypnotic, somewhat alternative take on dub. I'm not surprised people really like it.
innovative arrangemenT & considered smart idea about usage of those background sounds which makes this unique package rememberable & I reallY enjoyed.many thnX for sharing .respects & BesT wishes.___Behnam
Hat's off and respect___Orlando
T :)
I love that guitar and it seems to always be playing the same thing but doing different things at the same time. This is truly hypnotic music that feels like it could just be played on a loop forever.
I prefer things to change a lot more (and perhaps change things too often in my own music) but this works in its own, special hypnotic way.
Separately, you've got lots of interesting and in-depth comments on this so I guess it's inspired people to write more than just "Hey, nice track" or similar.
So sorry for the huge delay in replying to your wonderful review here. I'm trying to ease myself back into this stuff.
I can't wait to listen to more of your work! Respect and peace my friend! Faved
although i would probably mix it up a little bit, it gets a little monotonous but great track!
just a awesome idea!
complex but chillin tune nice combination!
no wonder that this track has so many favs!
This is my only real attempt at a kind of Reggae flavored Dub track, but I think I'll try my hand at it again. A lot of fun to do. Thanks for the review, and for the fave!
Nice track, I have added this one to my faviroutes.
loved it.
Of course personally, I think you have made gold from grace with this...
I don't know why but the crows make me want to cry...
I remember about 2 years ago.. I was talking about how all of looperman was a murder of crows...
I should send you that track...
lets see.... Delay is the thing.. I mean...
I am not saying this as a Negative comment.. but I just wanted to muse on it...
"What would you do without delay?!"
Personally, I think I would do my damndest to emulate it with picking and instrumentation.. but I would love to hear a dry mix sometime for my own sick twisted pleasure...
Hey Sean, can you feel the change,...?
I need to come up and see you very soon.
This is one of the most immersible pieces of music I have ever enjoyed.
My only complaint is that I couldn't have been there.
EDIT for everyone confused reading this next part lol
Agreed! I remember you musing on that a bit!
I know for me personally, and you could most definitely agree, that there's a certain substance known to man that somehow initiates that dub/reggae/jam feel?
I know what you know what I am talking about!
I remember, ... I know this is kinda bleh, but listening to stuff like Black Flag, and the Bad Brains... Punk rock jam bands.. and I started to get the idea of it...
And actually funny enough Bob Marley came very late to me in my life... The whole Kingston thing.. I mean... It's just...
what do you do with someone that is putting smoke in the air?
You give them art!
I feel nothing for the cats that watch tv, eat, and sleep.
But the dub/reggae/feeling... It's TOTALLY about what you mentioned in our dialogue... the fact that the mixer board INITIALLY emulated that delay feel because it was recording the monitor sounds....
that split second delay.
became delay... crazy it wasn't feedback lol
I do want to add this song is perfect by the way.. the cow freaked me out and the knife thing...
The things we do for art ehh?
Is it just a production technique?
or does it mirror something bigger within the art? (besides making segues sound badaaaasssss lol)
We could probably jive on this for hours.
You should be very proud. This is a piece of work I would show my kids kids (etc,etc)
How long did it take you to create?
or was it just pouring out of you?
What would I do without delay? Just today I was thinking about those moments in music where my soul rang like a bell. For example, when I was 15 I discovered Bob Marley on some late night first-gen cable show. I wept. At that moment I realized why I'd never be truly satisfied with 1970's Rock.
Naturally I sought out Reggae religiously thereafter! When I heard The Clash drawing from it, it only validated what I'd suspected. The rotten thing was I was in small town Eastern Wa and none of my friends wanted anything to do with it. The honesty and sincerity of that early stuff really spoke to me.
In this same time period I saw a documentary about the Kingston recording industry. A lot of the "studios" were in fact living rooms crowded with the musicians, and an engineer in the kitchen with a hole knocked in the wall separating the rooms with a sledgehammer. In these recording sessions, a chillum was always being passed between the musicians, and one was always smoking, and two would pause in playing during the passing.
But the music never stopped! And the smokier the space was, the more that proto-dub came into play. That delay sound on the upstroked guitar string was a total simulation, using what? more and more damping with each stroke of the pick. Same with the snare and rim shots - an echo sound made to speak to the state of consciousness furthering the manipulation of our sense of time.
Yeah, without delay I'd figure out some way to imitate it. Even with delay, I do it anyway and you can hear that in my playing of the genggongs. I do this a lot with the didgeridoo, too and do pseudo-echoes because I have to!
i am by no means an expert in dub...but i like this alot ;]
great use of different sounds.
crow?...very cool
this is what you do!!
using loops can happen in different ways:
you can put them together without changing them and create good tracks ...
you can send them through filters and add a lot of effects to create something completely new far away from the original ...
that's all good ...
but you do something different in between:
you listen closely, you feel them, and you find out what is the strength of each loop you use ... this way you transform simple parts into a piece of art, somehow like a mosaic which is by far more than a nice arrangement of colorful little stones ... know what I mean???
tracks like this one tell me that it is right to give away some of my work for free, that means much more to me than earning a few bucks ... thank you!!
peace, rei
And because of people like yourself who gift these amazing samples, the pallet at my disposal is truly awesome! That we participate and come together in a virtual community like this one actually gives me great optimism for humanity. My thanks goes also to you rei4real!
On "" there is a great talk about how a researcher, who studied crows, found out how smart crows are and how there social structure is so complex. Very smart birds them crows!! I read your reply to Anomelie's comments on crows and had to add my 2 cents!
This track actually took a long time, and I played with the original jahknow loops for over 5 months before it started to click. I agree with your assessment, and am a bit nervous as I feel I've raised the bar pretty high for myself with this one. But then again, in watching my own evolution with this medium, it's pretty obvious that each track is somehow better than the last. Learning curve still in effect. So glad you dig this one, and am delighted by your review. Thanks!
I don't think this track could be better. So complex it can withstand infinite listens, and enough flow that I don't get stuck on any one sound. The sounds melt into each other and move the scene along. Truly gorgeous. Thank you for doing what you do!
and then the music stops.. and im like whoa...back to the normal world.
awesome track really enjoyed this.
a salvo in a most excellent direction I might add too
victormusic01x...where's the chalice now....
Hey n0mad
mate this is stunning, darn the other reviewers have said everything I could even think about say about this stunning piece, again very high up to your normally production mate, so crisp and clear, ya really know what you are doing when it comes to arrangment and mastering, always first class, Fav'd this one my friend...Peace and happy easter to you and your family...Estefano...
This for me is Ninja scroll meets dub, menacing with dark elements, its technicolor, music for graphic animation.
Listening to this really does put images into the mind, a wandering swordsman stumbles into a plague hit village, he's suspicious, the deaths seem mysterious, was it murder? it really gives a sense that something dangerous is afoot, this is cemented when swords are drawn and a showdown commences.
Great piece of dub music Sean, really does do something special for the listener, brilliant. thanks
Nice work man! Very interesting and special! Would fit perfectly in a soundtrack for a movie! Gives me the idea of walking through a long forest full of dark trees with the sunlight shining through them while crows and other animals hide in the shadows of this mysterious place! Keep up the good work!
Added to faves ;)
Love your work, def a fav
You know I'm just down the road, right? With the ravens and crows in this region, the real surprise is more of us aren't doing music and using their voices! Thanks for the review and fave! I'll definitely be listening to more of your offerings and if I think I can assist a track, I'll certainly let you know. Don't hesitate to ask either, OK? Cheers!
cheers from the dubbase
You know i never know how to finish my tracks and you seem to have found a radical way,lol.
One of my favourite tracks from you(do I say that everytime?lol.The guitar sound is really the kind I love and the arrangements are amazing as usual.Again,I get this feel of musical paintings when I listen to this one.
I was wondering if there's any mean I can buy your music.Just let me know
I've struggled with the end of tracks, too - and I was a bit worried that this one might come off as gimmicky. I love adding field recordings to my tracks, but it's a challenge. Need to make them serve the music instead of the other way around. With the "Ambient Logbook" thread, I'm realizing that regardless of genre I try to bring this approach to the mix. I believe this is the key to why my tracks seem like musical paintings. I so glad that you approve! Thanks.
If you get a chance rip a 320 mp3 for me and send it priority Jah Know reggae Dj. ;)
I love Dub. I mean really, really love Dub. I never imagined I'd make it dance for me - lol.
Thank you again my friend!