

Orange County, United States
Joined : 13th Feb 2009 - 16 years ago
Comments on keeweet tracks

Other users have posted 28 comments on tracks by keeweet

Comments 1 - 25 of 28
FearlessWretch 11th May 2011 22:37 - 13 years ago

on Lockstep by keeweet
Good track. Very musical with alot of intelligent add-ins/fills.
Very good...
digitalSKYY 11th May 2011 16:08 - 13 years ago

on Lockstep by keeweet
Love it, its real chill man. Has a hip hop vibe while at the same time having some ambient sounds there. Tis'good

Kenny Lee
digitalSKYY 9th May 2011 22:34 - 13 years ago

on CrunkBar by keeweet
Deff sounds unfinished! So, yeah its a rough cut! Just get working and finish it lol because i wanna hear it.
Its good tho. Like the chill flowing feeling of it
keeweet replied Unknown
Thanks for the honest review man... I had to put this on the back burner a while ago because I am working on three new tracks that are almost finished...(they sound more like the "Lockstep" song I uploaded; really trying to work on my mixing skills.
Mosaic 29th Dec 2010 09:52 - 14 years ago

on CrunkBar by keeweet
Hey man

Firstly want to apologise for not getting here sooner, like the affect of the off percussion?? works really well, nice beat, nice synths, help it ll work and move along at very relaxing place, clarity is nice OH it finished, mate love what you have done so fars with this one, look forward to hearing a longer version when it gets here, very good work so fars...Peace n Respect...Estefano...
Bindanox 26th Dec 2010 11:11 - 14 years ago

on Rev5 by keeweet
To me this is hip-hop.I like the Dj Shadow-style of your song.
I just wish it was a bit longer(in that in mind i did a longer version of your song for my own amusement).lol.
Theres very good ideas in your song,if you can make a longer intro and an bridge of about 8 bars or so using the 1:13 parts(without the drums)elsewhere in your song that would be really sweet.

BTW-I can send you the extended version if you want.

Mrbillionx 19th Dec 2010 03:49 - 14 years ago

on CrunkBar by keeweet
If I had my way I would take out a few of those instruments.

yet thats just me.
Mrbillionx 9th Dec 2010 01:17 - 14 years ago

on Rev5 by keeweet
Was expecting more of a change up to this. I guess it could stand on its own - yet as for using it for hip hop I know it needs a bit more bump to it.
keeweet replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen.. you are absolutely right, it would need some more bump if it was exclusively a hip hop track... glad I kept it in the fusion category ;)
EVRiM 25th Nov 2010 20:52 - 14 years ago

on Lockstep by keeweet
We can start a new genre and call it Hip-Hope. :)

I really like this. A beautiful mash-up of several musical influences. Ambient, hip-hop, electronica. Yet it has a style of its own.

NIcely done.
keeweet replied Unknown
thank yous!!
DJSchmeeJ 17th Nov 2010 11:32 - 14 years ago

on CrunkBar by keeweet
Yeah Man, I like the movement on this, and the "little off" thing. I'd love to hear the finished track. nice work
J1K 9th Nov 2010 15:09 - 14 years ago

on Lockstep by keeweet
the drums in this song are so good. reminds me of one of my fav artists, flying lotus. def check him out if you havent heard cuz these drums sound a lot like his. just the overall sound is real cool. keep it up man
keeweet replied Unknown
Thanks for the kind words man(especially on the drums!), Yes I have heard of Flying Lotus and absolutely love his music... it definitely made an impact on me!
Thethanx 8th Nov 2010 16:49 - 14 years ago

on CrunkBar by keeweet
Cool track, great groove to it, it feels almost staggering and off... in a good way.
Some kind of break or B section would be nice, something to just change it up halfway or 2/3 of the way through just to keep things interesting, and then mixing back in the original elements.
But for a rough cut this is solid cool.
keeweet replied Unknown
Thanks for the review... I was looking for the "off" feel, glad to know I'm in the right direction. I'm definitely going to put your advice to use. Thanks!
JohnBoutilier 5th Nov 2010 03:09 - 14 years ago

on Lockstep by keeweet
I love when I`m the first to review. Let`s start with listing what`s wrong with this track. Okay, nothing, but some people like reviews to be critical. There we go, this track is too damn good. You have to mess with it and screw it up somehow. LOL. Great track, my friend, wouldn`t change a note.

All The Best

EzIcarus 6th Oct 2010 15:30 - 14 years ago

on July by keeweet
Yes mate BreakBeat banger, great track. Maybe add a vocal?

How about calling it 'Forgotten Future'???

Keep banging them out bruv
jmsbishop 6th Oct 2010 14:22 - 14 years ago

on Rev5 by keeweet
Well done, I love the mixture of strings in the background. This is a unique sound.
keeweet replied Unknown
Thanks for the kind words, and for taking the time to listen!
jadeAPro 30th Sep 2010 08:51 - 14 years ago

on Rev5 by keeweet
nice beat! good for a dance remix
GenyuForce 28th Sep 2010 00:11 - 14 years ago

on Rev5 by keeweet
has a rck /hip hop thing to it good job

check out our tracks
love and peace
Genyu-Force family
Gordw 29th Jul 2010 02:43 - 14 years ago

on Rev5 by keeweet
I agree with Travee, This sounds like it should be in a drama movie. You know like the Borne movies. Nice job. Nice beat.
adamms 14th Jul 2010 18:39 - 14 years ago

on Rev5 by keeweet
good song love the beat it has, just me maybe add some bass or drums and give it little more bottom to it, if that makes sense.
TRAVEE 10th Jul 2010 09:18 - 14 years ago

on Rev5 by keeweet
it should be in a drama movie! its good work man! keep it up!
johnnygadget 31st May 2010 20:07 - 14 years ago

on Mae Eye by keeweet
This was a very simple track but well put together and real clean! the only suggestion i would have with it would be kicking in the horns a little earlier? there is an expectancy within the music where you expect something to happen at a certain time and it came in a little late love the drawn out horns sound! and the ending was a little abrupt for me, (kinda like falling off of a cliff?)

other than that it was a real nice mix!

Johnny Gadget
Gadgetland Music Factory
tcpscore 29th May 2010 15:00 - 14 years ago

on Mae Eye by keeweet
I like this. This is real chill and nice an simple. i like how the kick drum drives the track. Keep makin de hits
RootsRat 13th Nov 2009 17:25 - 15 years ago

on at Work by keeweet
Very nice and very juicy! Got my head bouncing up-n-down, up-n-down, up-n-down... :)
bcway 12th Nov 2009 05:34 - 15 years ago

on at Work by keeweet
Great track - you certainly are getting the idea across - please continue.
digitalenigma0 4th Sep 2009 08:46 - 15 years ago

on Marionette by keeweet
Tracks like this is why I like hip hop and often make sure to relate the differences between hip hop and gansta rap MTV BS, to those who do not differentiate and care to know!
Overall, this is nice clean track, attractivly simplistic very relaxing on the ears and spirt execllent arabic sounding violins, definatly needs some vocals to match!
keeweet replied Unknown
Appreciate the kind words, and glad you caught the feeling of it all.

JDOT2006 4th Sep 2009 02:47 - 15 years ago

on Marionette by keeweet
Good stuff keeweet, love the violin samples and the placement to keep the melody going and are those flutes I hear ? The drum hits are on point, the flow seems as if it needs a few more hits or crashes here and there to break it up a little but in no way is that a bad thing, just a thought. Still a nice track man. Keep em comin.

J DOT ~ 2006
keeweet replied Unknown
Thank you Jdot for the feedback. Yes you do hear flutes on the track (nice ear). I will definitely look at breaking up the drums a bit, as I can see how it could be a little un-spicy... by the way I checked out some of your tracks... Extremely deep repertoire. Nice!
Comments 1 - 25 of 28