

Downbeat and Down Sizing
Canterbury, United Kingdom
Joined : 3rd Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Comments on MagicDrummer tracks

Other users have posted 18 comments on tracks by MagicDrummer

Comments (18)
PGDavies 23rd Dec 2016 19:23 - 8 years ago

on Frequency Deleted by MagicDrummer
I like this track.
Nice use of ambient sound effects...
PGDavies 23rd Dec 2016 19:20 - 8 years ago

on Urban Heat Ft Eshar by MagicDrummer
Yes, definitely. I am listening again and there is some stutter in this track. I don't know what the problem is. Could be your DAW. Definitely lovely choice of Piano and nice dark chords...
PGDavies 23rd Dec 2016 19:12 - 8 years ago

on Milo 1 by MagicDrummer
Sparse admittedly but nice choice of piano to work with.
Interesting echo...
PGDavies 23rd Dec 2016 19:10 - 8 years ago

on Urban Heat Ft Eshar by MagicDrummer
Nice piece, is it me or is there some distortion? Is that deliberate?
I notice this track was posted a while ago.
I guess I should see what you've been up to lately...
Spivkurl 23rd May 2014 14:28 - 10 years ago

on Asgard by MagicDrummer
Oh yeah, this is sweet! Popped up on the "random" function, and I'm glad it did! Very energetic! Love the slightly acidic synths in here! I just feel like this track could go on forever without any fatigue. Quite a dynamic mix and arrangement that makes this very enjoyable to hear! Fine work! Fave!
Devodale 25th Nov 2012 05:26 - 12 years ago

on Urban Heat Ft Eshar by MagicDrummer
Brilliant use of sounds combine to make a unique blend that was new to my ears. Bravo. Thank you for honoring me by using my loop. It is seriously a thrill each time I hear someones creation involving my loops. More please, More.
brillbilly 24th Sep 2012 19:31 - 12 years ago

on Frequency Deleted by MagicDrummer
Yeah,i can understand the Depeche Mode comment.!

It has that great old school 80's new wave feel for sure.!

Awesome use of the loops that combine to create a very fresh yet old school type feel that i love.

Nice work mate.!
MagicDrummer replied 25th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thanks, mate! Your comment is much appreciated as always.

I think I'm moving towards finding a 'sound' that incorporates old and new and the journey is certainly being fun!
VASZ74 23rd Sep 2012 13:07 - 12 years ago

on Frequency Deleted by MagicDrummer
Yes i like this track. Good job !!!
MagicDrummer replied 24th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you! I appreciate the comment and also because it has allowed me to find your own work which is quite excellent!
brillbilly 20th Sep 2012 17:20 - 12 years ago

on Asgard by MagicDrummer
Awesome,i think we went to the same

But yes mate,this has all them oldschool sounds that i just love.

Great banging track MD!.

ps,i hope your kids understand that dad's on form!
MagicDrummer replied 21st Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Ha! I think you might be right. Or at least listened to the same trance records! Did you have any of the Return to the Source compilations?
Thought you might like this one. Kids are not so keen on the trance but eldest daughter always asks if I have written anything new she can listen to. She has a go herself too but doesn't always have the patience to see it through (she's 11).
Look forward to hearing your old school number when you finished revamping it.
brillbilly 17th Sep 2012 18:35 - 12 years ago

on Stronger ft Romy Harmony by MagicDrummer
I love the old school type feel,yet it has new energy!.

Looks like your really getting in to this music producing Lol.

This is so catchy,love the vocals and you got just the right amount of reverb on them,or more to the point just how i like it.

great beat!,nice piano and some gritty sounds makes this a must have for me.!

very nice work MD!
MagicDrummer replied 18th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thanks, mate! I really appreciate the ongoing comments and support. Getting the right amount of reverb on Romy's voice was actually something I struggled with so glad it hit the spot!
LoopnFLlover 16th Sep 2012 23:45 - 12 years ago

on Stronger ft Romy Harmony by MagicDrummer
Another great track! I enjoyed.
MagicDrummer replied 17th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you! I really appreciate the comment.
brillbilly 16th Sep 2012 18:56 - 12 years ago

on Ascension by MagicDrummer
Hi MD!

I'm working on an old track i did few years ago.
i've started to give it an old school sounding Trance Track feel

I've put up one old, but remastered track today called Outlands so i'm playing hard in between looking in to loops and looking in to the on going Geo-engineering of our atmosphere!.

Peace my friend all the way!
MagicDrummer replied 16th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
I like old school trance so will go have a listen! Atmospheric geo-engineering is a scary thing. I studied atmospheric science as part of my university degree and, as with most things in nature, the whole system is so interwoven that selectively targetting one part without unforeseen knock-on effects occurring is very very tricky. Putting less crap up there would be a good start, though :-)

Peace to you and yours too BB!
brillbilly 16th Sep 2012 14:53 - 12 years ago

on Ascension by MagicDrummer
Title is very apt for this.

Great use of loops,very nice.!

Awesome strings/synths/base.

This sounds real good banging out my speakers!.

Love the atmospheric feel.

good work man!
MagicDrummer replied 16th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you! Actually, I think that most of the work with this track was done in the excellent loops. Xray intended these for hip-hop and I can totally imagine someone rapping over the top.

Hope all is well with you. Are you working on anything just now?
brillbilly 13th Sep 2012 16:23 - 12 years ago

on Hallucinations ft Megan ONeill by MagicDrummer
Hi MD!

See,your hooked now lol!.

I love the reverb/echo on the vocals.

When you make a track from how it just feels to you inside as you go along,it's supprising what you can produce.

You oviously have a very good understanding as This proves.

Nice ambient chillout,

good work mate!.

I got me a copy coz i like it.

Your on a roll man!
MagicDrummer replied 13th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you! It is certainly addictive. I was playing with a track this morning and only just made it to pick my girlfriend up from the train on time! Have noticed that just because one track flows easy, it doesn't mean the next will, though.

Is definitely a surprise what comes out of the computer as the loops go in. Appreciate your support!
LoopnFLlover 11th Sep 2012 12:38 - 12 years ago

on Human Kind ft Romy Harmony by MagicDrummer
I loved it! You say you have a better remix?! Do message me when that comes up because this track rocks. Also, could I get that trance loop?
MagicDrummer replied 11th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you! That is really kind of you to say. Romy's vocals certainly rock. I've just uploaded the remix to Soundcloud and will post here tomorrow:

The trance loop is from one of the Magix Soundpools so not shareable sadly. There must be similar on here, or elsewhere, though.
VickyDan 11th Sep 2012 08:09 - 12 years ago

on Important ft CSoul by MagicDrummer
Hello Andy ....

For info, I also use Magix version "Samplitude Music Studio" among other things, which the particularity is to compose "live" with external instrument, but without forgetting all Vst, possibles and unimaginable, but also with samples, of course. Another concept .... A little more complex to use than Music Maker.
Your second song I heard here, makes me think that you operate with much ease .... Continue, you are in the right direction ....

MagicDrummer replied 11th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you Dan. That is very useful information to have as I like the ease of Magix MM and can't quite get to grips with FLS just yet. So much there! Samplitude and a Midi keyboard seems like the way to go.

I appreciate your comments greatly as have only been doing this for 6 weeks now and it is a steep learning curve. Much fun too, though!

brillbilly 10th Sep 2012 15:03 - 12 years ago

on Important ft CSoul by MagicDrummer
Welcome from me MagicDrummer!

Nice to know you use magix like me and justy for fun too!.

This is good work mate,you may find your kids have lost there toy,lol.

I love magix for it's simplicity,yet i still get amazed at what you can do on it.

Good Track and elecronic is a good place for this,but i fully agree and love the trance feel,so it could fit nice in either!.

Life,love n unity to you and your loved ones!.

MagicDrummer replied 10th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you! I greatly appreciate both the comment and welcome. Magix is certainly a good starting place and helping me to find my feet. I have taken a look at FLS but it seems a steep learning curve! Have you tried any of the more advanced Magix systems?

Hope life is good with you and yours just now.

One love
VickyDan 10th Sep 2012 08:17 - 12 years ago

on Urban Heat Ft Eshar by MagicDrummer
Hello ....

Good harmonies, and the use of loops is ingenious and well controlled, but some small problems remain in the mix of the female voice.
Wellcome here, and good luck for the future.

MagicDrummer replied 10th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it. Critical comments will help me improve and I can see what you mean in the mix of the voice.

Will check out your work.

Comments (18)