Description : A simple track I wrote... well yes, on the train.
Now mastered, soon to be on my next album. How soon? Welll.. let's hope for March :)
This country track was uploaded by BaoBou. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (17)
If you have time take a listen and give BaoBou some feedback.
Excellent song writing, played with joyful finesse and a beautiful vocal performance - Im sure its not just my imagination but that you are very consistently getting even better and better . Talent plus persistence equals excellence hey
Eyxaristw poly Fani! (I lived in Athens for a couple years and I've been quite a few times to lovely Chalkida!) ((My new song "Stenia" is actually for his daughter))
You're a really great writer, musician and producer. I can imagine this track stripped down and slower as well as with full orchestral's and backing. Maybe great songs have this malleable quality to inhabit different spaces through universal sentiment's, this does that. I have some written material this has inspired me to pick up again, these are my most personal works and with permiso it would be valuable to share them before they enter a public arena. Wishing wellness and full bodied creative drafts.
Wow, what great compliments, thank you so much!! I would of course LOVE to play it with an orchestra, but I don't have one at home ;) Maybe I'll make a version with accoustic guitar though.
The album should be on streaming next week and now already on bandcamp!
Hello BaoBou, I throughly enjoyed your track, it's a great portrayal of a man's journey to his chosen one....the musical accompaniment was well done with keys and alwaus present guitar backing the journey as well. The whole story is well told......great job.
This has a southern American Rock feel to it, like V.Driver said I can hear Bob Seger, but perhaps even later Allman Brothers or the newest Generation of Lynrd Skynyrd, which is very different than old skynrd, but still very southern and distinct. And of course, I hear your own distinct sound, as well. And that's just the connections my brain could make - it's also it's own kinda thing. IDK about country, at least in the modern American sense, most of it is mind numbing and (to me) mildly infuriating. This is none of those things, thank the Pantheon of Music Deities lol. I'll be glad to hear how this one progresses
Thanks so much buddy. You're right, it's a bit Americana/Jackson Browne/Little Feat kind of feel - you might be too young for that and it might not be your taste but those guys had some amazing music that I think survives 50 years later. Oh and btw there's of course the link between Lynrd Skynrd and the Dutch, so that makes sense too :)
(Maybe Tom Petty is also a reference)
Good tune my friend especially that you said it is work in progress, you kind of feel in motion while listening to it. If you happen to take the train in France you may getting a lot more time for composing than you expect (strikes, delays, natural disasters, ...)! Just kidding, making music while traveling sounds like a lot of fun. I should try it someday.
Being in America, the "Country" genre must be something different than where you're from, friend. I almost didn't click on it because of that. The only music I absolutely abhor is American country western. But, to be very clear, that only goes back to the mid to late 70s. Anything before then was good. It's all the crap after then that I can't stand. Totally beside the point, really. What I actually came here to say was that this is a great song. It's like someone took Jackson Browne, Dire Straits and just a touch of Lou Reed, mixed them all up and slid it across a Bob Seger album just for that final garnish.
Yeah, this is a good one. You should definitely be proud of this one.
Take care, mister.
Jackson Browne is a good shout! In University I had a room mate who'd done a year of US high school and college and he had picked up artists like Browne and Little Feat who you didn't hear much in Europe (I'm Dutch). It opened my mind to a different kind of music, and it's funny to see some elements still occasionally popping up in my songs.
I don't really care about music categories (my category is BaoBou) but I chose "country" because when I wrote the song without an instrument, I sort of pictured me singing it with an acoustic guitar or maybe a semi-hollow with a clean sound.
Then when I finally had access to instruments a couple days later, I first made a quick demo with the piano... And it stuck. It's indeed very Jackson Browne. Thank you so much!
Well it is a very beautiful song that I could listen to, more than once. I liked the lyrics too, that make it so real to my imagination. Very well done Bao, poly alithino kai eyaisthito
Best wishes, Anthony.
Hiya Bao,
This track has such a reflective mood and such sweeettt! melodies combined with the lyrics is absolutely sublime!...Keep up the BRILL! Work. Kudos!
Hello BaoBou, my friend, I always make time for you! *Smile. The song really resonates with me. Not just because of the musical style or the great arrangement, but also because of the lyrics. I dont know if Ive mentioned it before, but I have a drivers license, although I almost never drive a car myself. I mainly use buses and trains. I enjoy the ride when I head home from the studio in the evening or when I'm on my way to Frankfurt. And during this ride, I feel exactly as you described. I dont notice the stops in between, but let my thoughts flow. It relaxes me immensely. This way, Ive been able to release a lot of frustration and also savor many beautiful moments afterwards. Wonderful song, thank you for bringing it to my attention! Best regards, Manuela.
Much better listen this time. I could hear your lovely melodic, subtle and slightly yearning guitar licks. You really are a very good lyricist to boot.
I was thinking again about train songs. The other one that comes to mind and is a fav is Dylan's Takes a lot to laugh, takes a train to cry. Have a good one BB
Top song writing again and vocals so good and clear in the mix. Suits the mood I always get sitting in a train tho the other train song association that comes to my mind is The Who's 5:15 off quadrophenia but that's a different kettle of fish. By the by, your writing reminds me of The Humps here in looperman but he hasn't been around for a while unfortunately.
You are a wonderful lyricist - the emotion is created within 3 seconds from the Marrakehs and your voice -The elec guitars heighten the emotion to another level and contrast beautifully to your voice, so full of raw feeling. You are v talented Kay0s
Top song writing again and vocals so good and clear in the mix. Suits the mood I always get sitting in a train tho the other train song association that comes to my mind is The Who's 5:15 off quadrophenia but that's a different kettle of fish. By the by, your writing reminds me of The Humps here in looperman but he hasn't been around for a while unfortunately.
Description : Here is a country song that I wrote and recorded. I played all the instruments and sang (not the best singer but its fun) as well, drums are from ezdrummer. If you like the track feel free to download it and thanks for listening.
Description : It was a long winter here, at Dartmoor. 4 Month of continued rain and damp. And suddenly (Drummroll), the sun came back. That did remind me of a collaboration with Silver Bella and her Acapella "Keep the Faith" from last year. A positive song which could have the potential to make a difference to the day. Thanks SB :-)
Description : I was actually just trying to mix up some new and old rhythms a while ago and come up with a track that just drew me in. Found it and thought I would put it out there for you guys to chew on. Let me know what you think. Send me some comments.
Description : This is my first serious attempt at a country song.
I am playing all instruments except for the drums....they are MIDI.
The song allowed me the opportunity to try my son-in-laws 1981 Gibson J40 acoustic, my new Dean Resonator Guitar and my new harmonica.
I hope you enjoy.
Description : If a girl wanted to do the chorus and a I can do the verse and we can make lryics to so if your a good writer your wanted. if interested send me a comment below
Description : A country soundtrack. Feel free to add vocals if you want to just make sure to add(ft. Migwel).I would love to hear what you did with it.
For non-commercial use only.
Description : My first attempt at country, Apple loops for drums, the rest a mix of guitars including a lap slide.A fun tune for me hopefully for you as well....Doc
Description : HEY FOLKSES!! Yep, we are still working on the album. This is another track we are working on. It is just a scratch version, not complete, has more work yet to do on it, and the vocals will have to be re-layed. So no need to comment on the quality. I'm uploading it to show we are still hard at work! LOL. The track is a little bit POP, a little bit Country, a little bit Rock. Enjoy!
Shame on me because this one is super!!!
Je stem klinkt hier mooi vol.
De lyrics zijn ook cool.
Nice vibe.
The song sort of completed what I wanted to do with the album, which should be on streaming next week and now already on bandcamp!
The song went on the album, which should be on streaming next week and now already on bandcamp!
The album should be on streaming next week and now already on bandcamp!
The song and the album should be on streaming next week and now already on bandcamp!
The song should be on streaming next week and now already on bandcamp!
(Maybe Tom Petty is also a reference)
The song should be on streaming next week and now already on bandcamp!
Yeah, this is a good one. You should definitely be proud of this one.
Take care, mister.
I don't really care about music categories (my category is BaoBou) but I chose "country" because when I wrote the song without an instrument, I sort of pictured me singing it with an acoustic guitar or maybe a semi-hollow with a clean sound.
Then when I finally had access to instruments a couple days later, I first made a quick demo with the piano... And it stuck. It's indeed very Jackson Browne. Thank you so much!
Best wishes, Anthony.
This track has such a reflective mood and such sweeettt! melodies combined with the lyrics is absolutely sublime!...Keep up the BRILL! Work. Kudos!
I was thinking again about train songs. The other one that comes to mind and is a fav is Dylan's Takes a lot to laugh, takes a train to cry. Have a good one BB