24th Jul 2009 00:01 - 15 years ago
Tags :
Description : Stains blue with contact. The metamorphosis of "Amphibian's Metamorphosis." My attempt at Hip Hop subject to the whims of Frog, a Totem figure of importance in the Pacific Northwest mythos. Frog field recordings primarily from Creative Common sources. Geng gongs (2) ( played by me through a Boss DD2.

Note: This track is not the one reviewed before the update - all previous comments were for the geng gong track contained by the current one) Loops from this site include DustHill, Psychotropic Circle, Encorde29, Dj_Fred_Val, and Dertt.

Comments (25)

If you have time take a listen and give n0mad23 some feedback.

BigReeg 29th Apr 2010 19:50 - 14 years ago
yo. me again. just got through checking out this track. its ok for your first try at hip hop. stay at it and dont give up homie. practice makes perfect. i konw that creative mind of yours has somthin in it for the hip hoppers. hahahaha. anyways keep up the good work. got a new track up also. its called warrior. im pretty sure is not your style of music but still a review would be very much appreciated. PEACE.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
My newest favorite HipHopper! I dunno - lol - I have a feeling that every attempt I make at your genre's going to have me dancing down an alternate path - like the frog and scorpion, it's just in my nature. I think it's because I so often deliberately try to subvert the genre thing, and end up bouncing off and landing somewhere else. Will certainly be pulling yours up shortly. Cheers.
Jpipes24 25th Mar 2010 14:53 - 14 years ago
This is a very creative track I like all the different sounds that you have put together here.. Nice work!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Hi Jpipes23 - Glad you enjoyed listening to this one. Though offering lots of frustration, this was a lot of fun to create. Haven't seen you around before, and will be swinging by to see if you have any tracks up. Cheers!
siensystem 14th Mar 2010 21:41 - 14 years ago
I certainly will be listening to allot more of your work n0mad. I am fascinated by your extremely cool use of all kinds of sounds. I mean, I don't think I have ever heard so many sounds used in such a perfect way that I could not picture the track without them. What instrument did you use for your main melodic elements? Extremely interesting and well put together. Just coolness!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
The melody is created by the geng gongs (see image link above), and really are some of my favorite instruments of all time. They're really different in tonality from the metal Jew's harps we're used to hearing. Actually the two in the picture are the very ones used in this track (I have a dozen in my collection). I did a 3 track recording with the 2 geng gongs, and then created this around that melody.

The mutations this one went through can't really be appreciated in what you hear now. What I had originally intended is much different than what happened. I don't "get" Hip Hop and this started as a personal challenge to make a track. A lot of really frustrating attempts that just didn't work at first. Really this came together only after I gave myself up to the archetype that I had invoked, the Trickster Frog. Sounds funny, but really it was only after I stopped trying to force it, and then "let it happen" did the internal logic of it all reveal itself.

Damn Jung and his Soft-Science!

It is a "thick" piece isn't it? In one of my other tracks, someone said they thought "maximalism" would sound like my stuff. Maybe I'm the counter weight to Philip Glass? Here it ended up deliberate, as the "Frog Song" is composed of many voices, and mirrors the desire of drums (who don't want to be played alone).

Thanks for both the listen and fantastic review!
Anomelie 14th Mar 2010 05:56 - 14 years ago
There are elements to the early part of the track that remind me of some of the Eno/Byrne stuff on My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. I'm new around here and just getting my first listens to your stuff, but so far I really like how your pieces shapeshift and evolve. (And thanks for the tip about the fusion genre... that's totally the right call for me!)
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Admittedly I listened to a lot of Eno and Byrne over the years, but My Life in the Bush of Ghosts is one I've never heard. I hadn't considered either as real influences, but I'm sure it's there. Actually, I really started seriously with music in the early `90's in Seattle in the underground scene, and I really see what I'm doing now as an evolution of that. Acoustic Trance into Primal Electronica. Glad you're enjoying my sonic offerings.
Bioscape 14th Jan 2010 15:33 - 14 years ago
The originality is great here by itself...but the groove you created was very cool. A real sublte build up, and then it springs on you. Something sounds like rushing water...its very clear at the end, but I can't my finger on it. I love how you take the essence of nature and transform it to sound. I can't think of a better sound-scape to describe a frog. haha
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks for the fave! It's definitely one of those archetypal tracks that gave me much grief in the early stages. Once I submitted to the demands of Frog it all kind of fell into place. Cheers.
Jowe 13th Jan 2010 19:59 - 14 years ago
one word. terrific!
PS I jus love this frog sound ... i'ts so original :)
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Merci beaucoup! Les enregistrements sur le terrain de grenouilles viennent de tous les continents, et les Juifs harpe(?) morceaux ont ÃÂtàjouÃÂs par moi-même. C'est la musique du marais qui fait danser la boue, non?
FallingFrogs 10th Jan 2010 23:54 - 14 years ago
I thought I was Falling Frogs, but you take the title. This is hot, brother. Music that wells up from the swamp and makes the very mud dance. Musical Intelligentsia indeed. Or, to put it in my language, "YOU ROCK!"
n0mad23 replied Unknown
If there's ever a call for quotes for publicity purposes, I'm going to use this one! You're literate, aren't you? "Music that wells up from the swamp and makes the very mud dance." That's absolutely beautiful! Thanks.
Salook 25th Dec 2009 00:24 - 15 years ago
sorry for pestering with another review here, but i would love to download your music, infact i would gladly purchase, are you on any other forums which will make this possible?.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Far from being a pest, I'd say this is about the greatest compliment you could give. Actually 9 of the songs here are available on my Totems from the Diaspora album for sale on all major digital distribution sites (iTunes, Napster, mp3, rebeat, etc.) and it's a trip seeing it for sale on Japanese sites. I'll shoot you an email with some details. Thanks and cheers!
Salook 25th Dec 2009 00:17 - 15 years ago
Man love the picture of this, makes me want to draw the poison from the back off a toad and go on futuristic hunt, i am writing this review as i listen.....its on the verge of genius, you got big talent would love to hear this complimented with images, fine work.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Yeah, some sort of CGI experience behind this would be amazing. I can see it it my head: stepping through the boundary of the fairy ring and landing in the space of Frog. Strobes and tracers galore. Thanks for the listen and review!
theHumps 29th Nov 2009 23:00 - 15 years ago
Such a great song. I listened to this a few weeks ago and checked it out again. I just think the sounds are so earthy and real even when the beat gets going. How much of that is samples and how many instruments did you play in it?

Your music really strikes a chord in me. You seem to bring a sense of self awarenes through this very natural and even primitive almost trible feel to your music. I've been into meditation and Eastern thought, especially Buddhism, the past several years and your music has a grounding, familiar feeling to it, like Buddhist chanting. Very powerful stuff and real cool and fun as well!!

Faved and if I can download it I will!

n0mad23 replied Unknown

There are two geng-gongs ( the 2 actually played here) played in this, and everything else is samples or loops. The geng gong track (3 tracks - ie 2 overdubs) was an experiment I did a few years ago while living in Bellingham. This was my first experiment with blending 'live' analog recordings with the Ableton Live 7 environment. The geng gong bit I called "Amphibian's Metamorphosis" as I'd tried to do a bamboo Jew Harp blues piece (not very successfully).

I really need to write the n0mad23 Musick Manifesto at some point - but you're right/rite about the grounding, though I'm drawing from a plethora of traditions. I lived in Cameroon and Indonesia in the late 60's, early 70's and sort of 'fell into' things as a kid - so much so in fact, that my mother insisted on getting her kids home before they went "totally native."

There are many traditions where music is used very deliberately to induce emotional and/or psychological states (religious and/or spiritual in context) in both the musician and the audience. I've consciously been fascinated by psycho-acoustic phenomena since my first Indonesian Gamelan orchestra performance. Not only were hidden melodies very obviously revealed, but the frequencies of some of the bronze instruments did physical things to my body.

No surprise really that it's struck this particular chord then. I am a product of the collected experiences and conclusions reached by one of the first Space Age children who grew up in much older forms of apprehension.

Thanks for the fave!
Mosaic 28th Nov 2009 04:50 - 15 years ago
Hey man,

Being a Aussie here on Looperman, this track reminds me so much of the Australia outback/country side, so in love with your track here, one of the different tracks heard here on Looperman and so love it, brilliant work...

adding to Favs for sure mate..

n0mad23 replied Unknown
Estefano - I think the 3 geng-gong (bamboo Jew's harp) tracks are really reminiscent of the digeridoo, so perhaps that in combination with the frog's voices is the outback vibe? For sure, in playing both I've found each informs my technique and sensibility with the other. The seven tracks (and 12 loops) of frog field recordings represent all habitable continents, so "Frog Song" seems like the appropriate title. Glad you enjoyed this, and thanks for the fave! No greater form of compliment! Cheers!
SLAPJOHNSON 24th Nov 2009 13:05 - 15 years ago
Super intro and swamp rhythm. It's like a ethnic mix of cultures from around the world all having a jam, I can dig that vibe..
Totally original creation, I have never heard anything like this before, I think you have created your very own genre, but what can it be called....???? How about Frog rock instead of Prog rock! Yeah I will call it that Frog rock.. Great stuff.. Do you need webbed feet to join in?

Cheers Slap...
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks Slap - "Frog Rock" works, though I'm thinking "n0madick Jungulation" might be more appropriate to the genre I'm exploring currently. You know - I love this site specifically because of the encouragement there is from real artists in trying out new things. It's a bit daunting always dancing to the beat of your own drummer, but it's reviews like this that give me license to keep going. Webbed feet are helpful for dancing to this jam, however I've found that hip-wader rubber boots will suffice in a pinch. Cheers, and thanks for adding this one to your faves - that is the ultimate nod of encouragement in my book.
victormusic01x 30th Sep 2009 23:42 - 15 years ago
this is different from your other work guy, the frog/nature samples work really well and don't seem to overpower the track..i like how u bring in the groove and the ethnic some point the groove seems to change a little bit and go even more into the pocket, the levels seem good, i need to hear this a few more times though to be sure..the transition/break towards the end is perfect with the return of the live ambient it so far!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
It's kind of a pairing with "Bonobo challenges the Electric Storm" in its use of field recordings. Yeah, the groove shift is the result of live bamboo jew's harp recordings that everything else is woven around - but I think it does what I set out to do. I now actually enjoy that part, as it really gives it a live, immediate sense in terms of listening. Glad you like it!
CalifKen 28th Sep 2009 19:59 - 15 years ago
Dude play this track and all these people that have commented we are all the frogs, and we are all applauding you with our croaking ribbits. So glad you're here with your spacious perspective, clarifying the peripherals for so many of us.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
CalifKen - cheers on being a fellow fuzzy boundary artist. It's amazing what's now possible, and we've got to push those edges and see what's just on the other side. Maybe the periphery is attainable through some sort of electronic osmosis, and if so I'm betting there's all kinds of cool sounds there that we're all going to dig. What's nature? What's synthetic? Is biomimicry the way? Thanks for the review!
bcway 16th Sep 2009 05:26 - 15 years ago
Wow, very interesting. I love those little froggies. Reminds me of where I grew up. Great tribal stuff going on, it speaks to my Mohawk side. Just listening to this track alone, you have made my 10 ten looperman list.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
bcway - Thanks for the listen and kind words. I was looking toward the local Salish mythos for this one, but if you'll look closely at these cheekbones (and jaw) of mine, you'll see we're distant cousins! Maybe it was the Mohawk genes that compelled me to make this one! Coming by to check out your music presently. Cheers.
JHolmes 12th Sep 2009 00:53 - 15 years ago
Song of the frog... nice. That mouth-harp (is that what that is?) fits amazingly well. It feels like I'm stumbling lost through the jungle only to come upon a crazy rave.

I keep imagining people in feathers carrying some guy in a beige adventurer's outfit and an Indiana Jones hat tied to a tree, being carried by four locals in full tribal attire; painted faces and feathers every where. As I duck behind a tree, they continue their dance, eventually passing from my sight. I scale the try, coming out above the jungle canopy, suddenly to be greeted by the smell of sulfur and a smoking mountaintop in the distance the natives were marching.

If this had some hoots and hollers thrown in, it'd make the illusion complete.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Yes, there are two bamboo jew's harps in this one (on three tracks) and really that was the inspiration for this piece. Something swampy and primal about that bamboo instrument's sound (pics - I'm glad you had some visualizations behind this one, as I read that as a good sign. I usually compose/create my music through my own visual imaginings and if the audience experiences it as well then I must be doing something right. I really like your description of stumbling into a crazy rave. Welcome to MiddleMarch, where Frog has wicked and slightly dangerous dance parties! Thanks for the fav - this is a huge compliment!
jfw 11th Sep 2009 23:17 - 15 years ago
Another cracking track. Erstwhile french president Jaques Chirac was once quoted as saying " When we build a road, do we consult the frogs"? In this case, it seems we do! I love the drum outro as the frogs hold conclave.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks jfw! I'm always uncertain about trying to fuse field recordings with music, but the Frog Totem here really needed to be grounded in the physical. I'm in agreement re: the drum outro, and there's something rather satisfying about letting the voices from nature have the last "words". Cheers.
Planetjazzbass 3rd Sep 2009 07:50 - 15 years ago
Aahh cool!..when I hear frogs they always make me feel peaceful and at ease..excellent groove,it just rolls along and I love that Jew's harp sound....the percussion breakup happens at just the right moment and segues beautifully back into frogland...a sonic journey and communion with our amphibious neighbours...I'm going to gill out now,I'm a tad spent after that...super enjoyable! cheers Dave :)
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Frogs are great, because you don't need to run the recordings through any sort of effects. They sound like their plugged into a stack already! The geng gong bit I originally did was done with me imagining frogs singing the blues, so the translation/interpretation into this track was meant to be. Glad you had pun with it.
HPRecords 3rd Sep 2009 03:42 - 15 years ago
What an amazing arrangement! I can just see the frogs collectively grooving to this. The loops flow nicely within this piece. I have used the water splash rythum once before in an older piece I did. The way you are using is much better and definitely retains meaning. I love the way it builds, grooves on and then gently fades out into nature. Absolutely brilliant work here, Nomad!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks Apocalynium! It's funny how this one came together, and you'd think I'd have learned by now about consciously playing with Trickster archetypes. Still, the result is quite pleasing.
DustHill 2nd Sep 2009 11:38 - 15 years ago
I like that mix mayne it sounds cool alltough I can just listen with ma laptop speakerz currently I luv how u implented them drumz in this one keeepup ! cheerz dusty
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Cheers DustHill - I believe 3 or 4 or those drum loops are from you. I like that it all builds to a breaking point before fading back to the atmospheric stuff. Reminds me a bit of the African approach where the jam doesn't end until a drum head breaks.
Reverse1984 2nd Sep 2009 06:19 - 15 years ago
Great track man. I don't really no what to say..After listening to one of your tracks I always seem to be at a loss of words. Or maybe words can't express how great your music is. I love how different your music is...I've always been more drawn to the artists that are experimenting and not just composing simple beats. Well done man..this track rocks!!!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks Reverse1984! That fav gives a real vote of confidence. I love what I'm doing currently, and I finally feel like I have the license to do what I want, and not what's expected. I'm delighted to see that other people like it, too! I promise to keep doing something "different!"
Spivkurl 1st Sep 2009 18:09 - 15 years ago
This is a very exciting track, and so expressive! I like the frog atmospheres a lot. I feel unqualified to do a good review of this track, as I don't fully understand it's production. I do feel the psychedelia that you speak of though. Powerful track, I really like it!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Thanks Spivkurl - this track is in many ways the direction I'm planning on going, it that it's a combination of sampling (loops) and my own analog instruments. The original geng gong (bamboo jew's harps) were recorded on a mulitrack and then brought into Ableton Live 7 LE where I added the percussion tracks. Mixed that all down, and then reloaded the "master" track and brought in the water drums and 7 tracks of frog field recordings. Sprinkle gris-gris say an incantation or two and voila. "Frog Song." Thanks for the review.
DonnieVyros 4th Aug 2009 08:27 - 15 years ago
Play 2 now...
Okies, I wanna ya played this live because of the lil discrepancies I hear in the note placement within the time sig. Course, it could just be the way ya rolled it though. Anyways, wanna hear somethin crazy. For some odd reason I was reminded of that Techno song they played in the Porche scenes in the movie Super Troopers (dunno if you've seen it, but it was a really funny flick, I'd suggest it). Though the groove between the two is completely different.
The name is so fitting because I could totally envision some backwater southern swamp and some guy sitting on the porch of some rickety shack chewin on a bit of poor man's grass. Have ya thought about addin some violin and banjo? Later on!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
DV - you called it. Totally live with no alterations, just me and Cool Edit 2000 with a mic and two geng gongs. Banjo is such a brilliant idea, and gives me an excuse to hook up with a musical buddy I haven't seen for several years. Maybe I'll finally convince him to hand over that banjo....Cheers!
alividlife 24th Jul 2009 06:49 - 15 years ago

I think you can get it still.
I am a gear whore at heart..
I can't even part with my guitars.. most of them are thrashed too.

To me..
to be honest
delay.. it's like disobeying time.
And I enjoy that about delay...
It allows this moment to become a "call" and a "response" in the most primitive way.

I can't even count on my brain, how often I have used delay to substitute/accommodate the littlest of little aspects of my music. It's a BAD ASS effect! lol

This reminds me, i need to check yer gallery!!!

I do feel
that ... this is not complete... It's missing too much to be... well
I retract that statement
it is complete
I need something to latch onto...
The amphibian part of me is too asleep to agree!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
This was just an experiment, and from a collection of three solo pieces I tried at the time that I called "Nano-onaN". Though better than a "toss-off", it's not a song. Very incomplete - BUT a great example of how inherently psychedelic "primitive" instruments can be. Even without delay, my impulse is to play it in a way that imitates delay.

Now it's a temporary "listen and tell."

The best geng gong stuff I did was with my spouse in public performances. We'd play face to face sharing the same mic (no delay but with a gate). My favorite was a review of a bit we did at the Seattle Improvisational Dance and Music Festival one year. The guy said that he "kept blushing. The sounds and their proximity was just too intimate. I felt like a voyeur watching something more than sex." Nice one, huh?
Kinetikx 24th Jul 2009 00:26 - 15 years ago
Definitely interesting. I'm sure your bamboo jew's harp has to be easier on the teeth than the metal one I had as a kid. In some ways this song reminds me of an aboriginal digeridoo- you get the rhythm and the melody from one instrument- of course with multiple tracks in your case. I like it.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
The bamboo variety is played against the lips and not teeth, unlike the metal variety. There are a couple of spots where there's a kind of growling sound, and thats what's produced against the teeth (here, deliberately). For sure there's a similarity to the didjeridoo as all tonal shaping is done with the mouth as pitch chamber. Thanks for having a listen and response.

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5th Jan 2015 09:47 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Hello People, hows it goin? Well here I am with my new cover and yes, you read it right... its 'THING CALLED LOVE' by one of my favourite EDM artists Above & Beyond. Its a fusion of Lounge, Ambient & Indian Ethnic elements and some experimental sounds too. I just hope you like my rendition.

And yes, There is a thing called Share that we all forget, So if you genuinely like my cover, Please share!
Cheers! :D
13th Jan 2022 09:57 - 2 years ago
Description : Updated 9/23/24. This is a progressive fusion flavored jazz number. I called on fellow Looperman DISCIPLINE to season this composition with that FIRE GUITAR, and he did! Let me know your thoughts on this one. Enjoy.

19th Sep 2023 01:45 - 1 year ago
Description : hi guys this is my biggest production so far all the music and beats were written by me and all played by me on my midi keyboard
self-biographical its raw its powerful, its positive, this is dimestop all dressed up in his Sunday best, a subject i know all about, its real life its genuine a cause i support and promote the lyric sheet is available
listen with a headset close your eyes look at it as a private consultation from me, shed a tear if you have to it starts with you
6th Feb 2014 20:23 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains only free loops downloaded from and, furthermore several loops from looperman artists - listed below.
Hope you will enjoy it.

Applied loops:

Danke : 0671112-0057227 (i think so), 0671112-0064444 (touch of the wind),
Sakura : 0036530-0000930 (drawn),
Tumbleweed : 0498019-0068258 (babylon 8 pad),
Apokapbeatz : 0287197-0020417 (harp sample 1) ,
Planetjazzbass : 0111346-0029497 (voices 2), 0111346-0029496 (voices 1),
Waper : 0334474-0048653 (strings 2),
Deejayroo : 0318145-0043939 (classical ending),
Megapaul : 0448131-0065840 (the waterpope 140BPM E),
Thehumps : (Sad D minor 1 Verse - 150 bpm) - download from stayonbeat. :S
21st Feb 2023 14:33 - 1 year ago
Description : Now on youtube:, soon out on my upcoming album "Step by Step"!
Inspired by a track of Pseudoble. I was noodling along to his track "I wish I didn't know" (which is awesome) and had the words "Snow in Athens" in my head. This with the smooth jazz/fusion atmosphere led me to this track with a sort of Steely Dan feel.
25th Oct 2014 17:59 - 10 years ago
Description : This track is built around the repetitive lead guitar line which I have previously incorporated as an intro for the rocker track "Sweetheart Runner" by LM user TinyFinger whom I have helped in arranging, mixing and producing his song. This extended session was a good oportunity to test some new equipment....Thanks to Tiny for not being mad about it...:)^^
24th Sep 2017 15:05 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : I had to go in on this track. This is a future bass, electrofusion song. I posted the full version here full the Looperfam because you guys give me sooooo much support. I can never thank you all enough.
4th Aug 2013 17:47 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : Psychedelic blues hip hop with lead banjo and acoustic resonator slide guitar. Acoustic drum kits, fat basslines, soaring filtered strings, some strong Eastern elements (from guitar and strings), some dub and funk from the bass and drums and a bit of rocking electric guitar. Very unusual piece of music and a trip like no other I've heard. Some of it is like a dark, deep Southern delta blues track over a hip hop and dub backing. All played and programmed by me, no loops used.
9th Jan 2021 22:26 - 3 years ago
Description : Jynxz: arrangement, drum programming, keys, synths, fx
Micky: fx, guitars

After a quite turbulent long travel we’ve reached a totally unknown planet which is mostly covered with clouds. As we pass over it we can see parts of rivers through the clouds that come out of the dark rocky surface in some places. So the whole scene is alternating textures of white, dark gray and silver flashes. Unfortunately there’s no chance to land anywhere so we just pass, wonder and travel on …
26th Jun 2021 21:50 - 3 years ago
Description : A spoopy song, early for Halloween. This was a collaboration with Micky, who did most of the work.

A musical realization of a poem by Thomas Hardy
Idea: Spearcarrier
Voices: Spearcarrier & Micky
Music: Micky
Genre: We don't know yet. Suggestions welcome. LOL
27th May 2020 11:12 - 4 years ago
Description : This one features my friend JYNXZ. He contributed his wonderful synth magic. Danke sehr!
1st May 2021 19:06 - 3 years ago
Description : Thanks for the loops. Voice, lyrics and composition: mine.
13th Nov 2015 06:14 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Real acoustic, electric and bass guitars played by me. Drums are loops and programmed MIDI. Played piano and synths. Lots of layers and delay. A gated moog, organ, my recorded finger-snaps and a reversed bass guitar effect that sounds like throat-singing. Three movements, divided by moments of calm. Thoughts and feedback are welcome.
3rd Jul 2015 21:57 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Return To Forever was a group that started my love of fusion jazz and this is my attempt to cover their 1976 track, “The Romantic Warrior. I know I wore out several inceptions of this album from LP, cassette and 8 track. The original track was over 10 minutes long, so I abridged it some. Hope you like and download.
28th Jul 2015 15:57 - 9 years ago
Description : A moroccan traditional song from 70s titled "Toudart" which means "Life" in Moroccan berber/Tamazight, revived and composed in a modern way, I used minor2go's piano loop which you can hear on the background, everything elese is from me.